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run by West Northamptonshire Council.


Get involved in local decisions We Asked, You Said, We Did



Open activities

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West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2025 to 2026 Consultation

Give us your views on the Council’s Budget proposals for the 2025 to 2026 financial year. Each year West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) plans for the money it will have available and how it should be spent on delivering services in line with the priorities and objectives set out in its Corporate Plan. The Council’s Cabinet approved plans to consult the public on WNC’s draft 2025-26 budget proposals on 10 December 2024. Our plans and budget proposals make...

West Northamptonshire Growth Strategy

We would like our local stakeholders to help develop our Economic Growth Strategy for 2025-2030. West Northamptonshire Council is developing an Economic Growth Strategy for 2025-2030 to drive inclusive and sustainable economic growth. The strategy aims to enhance the local economy, benefiting businesses and residents. Key aspirations include creating a framework for sustainable growth, focusing on key economic sectors, ensuring community-wide benefits, informing the Local Plan up to...

Provide your views on Solid Fuel Burning

People in West Northamptonshire who burn solid fuels in an open fire, burner or stove are being asked to provide their views and comments on fuel burning. Solid fuel can include things such as coffee logs, wood, briquettes, and coal. We are taking part in some important research which aims to understand more about the impact of fuel burning on air quality, and about potential links to health conditions. This is because there is little information available at a local level about...

Help shape the One West Northamptonshire Plan

We would like your thoughts on shaping the One West Northamptonshire Plan. View the draft One West Northamptonshire Plan . Work is currently under way on creating the One West Northamptonshire Plan which is a shared vision for how organisations can work together over the next five years to make a real difference to people’s lives.  The aim of the Plan is to develop West Northamptonshire into the ‘beating heart of England’ by 2030, where communities flourish and...

Public Spaces Protection Orders

Public Spaces Protection Order consultation for Jeyes Jetty Northampton

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to renew a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to close the highway known as Jeyes Jetty. A PSPO...


Public Spaces Protection Order consultation for Dunster Street Northampton

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to renew a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to close the highway known as Dunster Street. ...


Closed activities

Below you can find some of the activities that we have run over the last year which are now closed. Take a look at the feedback you gave, and the next steps we are taking to make a difference.

Tell us your views about early years and wraparound childcare

We would like to hear from parents and carers of children who receive childcare in West Northamptonshire to understand their experiences and needs. Background We are carrying out a survey to find out if West Northamptonshire has a suitable and sufficient level of childcare available for children up to the age of 14 years old, or up to the age of 25 if they have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). As a local authority, we have a duty to complete...

Help shape our Adult Social Care Direct Payments Policy

We are proposing a new Direct Payments Policy to underpin our current approach to how we process and operate direct payments for Adult Social Care. A new policy will enable us to be transparent and consistent with our approach to adults Direct Payments. We are asking for your views to help shape what should be included in our policy. In this new policy we would also like: To introduce Direct Payments for people with transport requirements to access ...

Have your say on West Northamptonshire’s draft Climate Change Strategy

You are invited to share your views on our draft Climate Change Strategy. As part of our ongoing commitment to climate change action, we aim to achieve net zero by 2045 for West Northamptonshire. In order to do this, we have developed a draft Climate Change Strategy, which aims to address local climate change impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This activity also supports the UK Government’s 2050 net zero target. Climate action is a key priority for the...

We asked, you said, we did

Read our responses to your feedback:

We asked

From 15 July to 08 September 2024, we consulted on our new Parks Development Strategy, aimed at protecting, developing, and improving parks to benefit residents, visitors, and the environment.

The consultation invited feedback on our draft Vision and Objectives, and sought insights on current park usage and potential improvements from a visitor's perspective.

You said

We received 288 survey responses, with 82% of respondents using a park regularly.

91% of respondents agreed with our draft vision, and a majority of respondents agreed with our draft objectives (82%).

We encouraged suggestions and ideas on actions to deliver the strategy, 97 commnets were received and will be used to shape the final strategy.

Read more about the results of this activity.

We did

Responses have been considered and some have lead to amendments in the draft strategy. For instance: Eastfield Park is now recognised as a major park, and the strategy clarifies the Parks Service responsibilities, including a list of all council-owned spaces.

Feedback is being used to explore why some parks are used less than others, aiming to make them accessible to everyone.

Concerns about the Eastern Way proposals in Daventry have been compiled for colleagues managing this project. Comments specific to parks or green spaces will be reviewed and addressed by relevant officers.

Minor adjustments have been made to create a more concise and clear document.

The strategy now reflects the recognition of parks as vital community links that deliver health and wellbeing benefits and support wildlife. While not all comments could be accommodated, efforts have been made to include improvements where possible.

The final strategy will be adopted by the Council Cabinet in early 2025.

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