Have your say

Find and take part in consultations and engagement activities
run by West Northamptonshire Council.


Get involved in local decisions We Asked, You Said, We Did



Open activities

See what is happening in your local area and find out more about all the activities you can currently get involved in.

Have your say on Wantage Park Crematorium Facility

West Northamptonshire Council wants to develop a state of the art and sustainable new crematorium facility on land at Wantage Farm, in the Round Spinney area of Northampton. We are asking for your views on it proposed designs before a formal planning application is submitted in November 2024. Background The Wantage Park site will become a vital part of the West Northamptonshire community, the proposal offers a modern crematorium, ceremonial spaces, and a...

Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

We are developing West Northamptonshire’s Local Transport Plan (LTP). The LTP sets out our vision on maintaining and improving all aspects of local transport up to 2045. We are now seeking your views on our draft LTP. A LTP is a statutory document that sets out the transportation needs, challenges, and priorities for a local area. It provides the medium to long-term strategic direction for maintaining and improving all aspects of local transport with initial focus on the next five...

Your views on tackling domestic abuse

If you live or work in West Northamptonshire, are over the age of 16, and have experienced any form of abusive or harmful behaviour from someone you love or care about, such as a partner or family member, we want to hear from you. Domestic abuse includes a wide range of experiences, from being controlled, manipulated, or emotionally abused, to physical, financial, or sexual abuse. It can, and does, affect anyone regardless of race, age, sex, gender, or sexuality. Because these...

Calling West Northamptonshire businesses to feedback on The Tour of Britain

Superstars of world cycling competed in West Northamptonshire on Saturday 7 September 2024 for the 20th edition of Britain’s biggest professional cycle race, the Tour of Britian. This put a spotlight on the area and attracted visitors from far and wide, in turn helping support our businesses and the local economy. If you attended we hope you enjoyed the excitement and spirit of this prestigious bicycle race. To help us with future events, we are asking businesses in...

West Northamptonshire – Heritage Open Days Visitor Experience 2024

We hope you have enjoyed West Northamptonshire Heritage Open Days. If you are happy to share your experiences with us, please complete this survey. We carry out a yearly survey following the open days to gather feedback, this helps us in making West Northamptonshire Heritage Open Days even better for the next year. The data will only be used for the purpose of this consultation and will not be passed on to a third party. Any information given to us is treated as...

Emergencies: How prepared are you?

September is Preparedness Month and as part of the national #30Days30WaysUK campaign we run an annual survey to find out how prepared people are for emergencies that may happen. Since 2015, the 30Days30WaysUK campaign aims to inspire and empower people to be more ‘emergency ready’. This short survey has its roots in the 2008 ‘place survey’ across all local authorities in England and the 2013 ‘How Prepared Are You’ survey in Northamptonshire. It also takes inspiration...

Calling all Northamptonshire pharmacies - we need your views

North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council Public Health teams are completing some important research and gathering information to support the development of Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments (PNAs). This will help to identify unmet needs, improvements or better access to pharmacies. Your feedback will tell us where contractors are already contributing to meeting people’s needs and can help us and other commissioners meet the needs of the population in the future. ...

Local area planning consultations

Public Spaces Protection Orders

Public Spaces Protection Order consultation for Jeyes Jetty Northampton

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to renew a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to close the highway known as Jeyes Jetty. A PSPO...


Public Spaces Protection Order consultation for Dunster Street Northampton

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to renew a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to close the highway known as Dunster Street. ...


Closed activities

Below you can find some of the activities that we have run over the last year which are now closed. Take a look at the feedback you gave, and the next steps we are taking to make a difference.

Give us your views on our draft West Northamptonshire Tree and Woods Strategy

We would like your views on the West Northamptonshire Tree and Woods Strategy. West Northamptonshire Council is now in the final stages of developing a comprehensive tree and woods strategy to help us manage trees more effectively, as well as to set our vision and action plan for the future treescape of West Northamptonshire. This follows previous engagement that was carried out over winter 2023/2024, and ensures that local issues and priorities from this have been considered. We...

Have your say on our proposed HMO (houses in multiple occupation) Additional Licensing Scheme

We are proposing to introduce a new Additional Licensing Scheme for houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). The new scheme will be a continuation of the existing scheme introduced in 2020, but extended to include areas of new development, areas where the level of anti-social behaviour or property conditions indicate that further intervention is necessary, and to bring a closer alignment of the Additional Licensing designation to the Council’s Article 4 restrictions under the...

Give us your views on Pharmaceutical Needs

North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council Public Health teams are completing some important research on how you feel about pharmacy services. A pharmacy, also known as a chemist, is a place you would go to: To collect a prescription To buy medicines To talk to a pharmacist for advice about your illnesses or medication We do not mean any pharmacy in a hospital, or somewhere you shop to buy...

We asked, you said, we did

Read our responses to your feedback:

We asked

From 10 June 2024 to 7 July 2024, we launched an activity to engage with residents of West Northamptonshire that receive, or have a family member that receives, help through health or social care funded supported living. This was to form part of our new framework for supported living and help the Council make decisions to improve certain aspects to meet the needs of those needing this sort of help.

You said

The activity received 34 complete responses and 25 partially complete responses. The following is a summary of the key results:

You told us that the current ‘I statements’ that have been co- produced over the years are still very important to you. Themes that you believed to be important for consideration in future commissioning of supported living services were:

  • Good communication and active listening skills​
  • Being treated with respect and dignity​
  • Friendly, approachable, shows empathy​
  • Caring, compassionate and kind​
  • Maintains a safe environment​
  • Skilled and competent

We did

All responses have been considered, we have reviewed and updated the co-produced ‘I statements’ and used these alongside key themes to set out our expectations for future supported living services. These will help us monitor services against these expectations and improve outcomes for the people living in them. The new arrangements will be implemented in Spring 2025.

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