Group Facilitators Feedback Form WNC Draft Budget 2025 to 2026 Consultation

Closes 21 Jan 2025

Fees and charges

Income from fees and charges is an important source of funds and helps us deliver a range of services.

West Northamptonshire’s Draft Budget generates Fees and Charges income in the region of £28.5m. For further details please see the proposed Appendix C – Fees and Charges. This shows the current charges (2024 to 2025) and the proposed charges (2025 to 2026).

Each year we review, and where appropriate, increase fees and charges to cover any increasing cost of service provision, the impact of any inflationary increases and align with national benchmarks, and nationally set fees. We do not raise fees and charges where the charges are set by Government.

8. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the Council should put up some fees and charges in line with inflation and operational costs, to help fund services?
9. Use the following space to provide your comments about fees and charges:

Please make sure you state which fees and charges your comment relates to.

Thank you for your feedback, once you select Continue below, you will be taken back to the Contents page where you have the option to make further representations on other areas if necessary.

If you do not wish to comment on other areas, please scroll to the bottom of the Contents page and select Finish.