Group Facilitators Feedback Form WNC Draft Budget 2025 to 2026 Consultation

Closes 21 Jan 2025

Draft General Fund Capital Programme 2025 to 2029

The Draft General Fund Capital Programme shows how the Council will spend and invest money according to our goals and priorities. It outlines key objectives and principles for capital investment and funding, supporting the Council's vision. This programme ensures effective long-term planning and investment for the benefit of our residents.

Details of the draft General Fund Capital Programme are set out in Appendix E and Appendix Ei.

The draft budget proposes a £155m investment in the capital programme over the next four years to improve local infrastructure and assets. For the 2025 to 2026 period, the Council is set to invest £100m through the programme to improve infrastructure, support residents, and encourage sustainable growth.

10. If you have any comments to make on these proposals, please give us your views below:

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