Give us your views on the draft Northampton Town Centre Environmental Policy

Closed 18 Feb 2024

Opened 30 Nov 2023

Feedback updated 12 Mar 2025

We asked

From the 30 November 2023 to 18 February 2024, we consulted on our draft Northampton Town Centre Environmental Policy.

The aims of the survey were to gather public opinion on the Policy, which sought to enhance the town centre's cleanliness and amenity by improving the management of commercial waste.

The survey aimed to understand the challenges businesses faced regarding waste handling, storage, and disposal, and to shape the policy accordingly.

Feedback from local businesses, residents, and other stakeholders helps the council prepare and refine the policy, ensuring it addressed the needs and obstacles identified by residents, visitors and businesses.

You said

There were a total of 106 online responses, 7 of which were from local businesses. The following provides responses to key questions:

  • 78% agreed that they felt restricting the times businesses present waste would create a positive effect for trade waste storage and collection. 10% did not agree, with others providing no answer.
  • 80% felt businesses should be held accountable should bins be left out at other times.

Respondents were encouraged to provide comments and also identify areas where issues occur.

We did

All responses were analysed and provided in a consultation results report for the Councils Cabinet to consider. In June 2024 Cabinet made the decision to approve the Northampton Town Centre Environmental Policy.

Further information, and to view the Northampton Town Centre Environmental Policy, please see the Councils dedicated webpages.


We are looking to introduce a Northampton Town Centre Environmental Policy. This will help enhance the town centre by helping with the overall cleanliness and amenity and set out the way that businesses handle their commercial waste.

Your views will help us gather public opinion, shape parts of the policy that are to do with waste from businesses in the town centre and help us to understand if there are any obstacles that businesses face in respect of their waste.

This consultation will form part of wider engagement with Northampton town centre businesses.


All businesses and organisations have a responsibility for ensuring that any waste arising from their activities is handled, stored and disposed of in a responsible manner as defined by the Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991.

It is proposed that a waste policy shall apply to the town centre of Northampton for the management of all commercial waste generated by businesses. The area that will be affected by this policy is shown on the following map:

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What is business waste?

Business, trade or commercial waste is any waste produced by a business on its premises. It is the businesses' own responsibility to appropriately store and arrange disposal of this is usually stored in large bins collected on a regular basis from commercial waste bins.

What we are proposing

The policy is intended to encourage and help businesses to manage their waste through some principles that will be set out in the policy, these include:

  • The labelling of all commercial bins
  • Keeping bins and other (agreed) commercial waste off of highways (including footpaths), or where this is not possible, keeping bins in an agreed area
  • Keeping bins locked and secured
  • Only placing bins and other (agreed) commercial waste out to be collected within specific time slots.

How will feedback be used?

The feedback we receive will help the council to prepare and shape the Northampton Town Centre Environmental Policy.

Your feedback will be part of a report with other people’s feedback, you will not be personally identified.

Have your say

We want to hear the views of local businesses, residents, as well as other interested parties and stakeholders.

You can tell us your views by completing the following questionnaire.

If you have any queries or comments or if you would like a copy of this questionnaire in another format you can contact us by email, post, or telephone. Our contact details are as follows:

Email address:

Telephone: 0300 126 7000

Postal address:

  • Northampton Town Centre Environmental Policy Consultation
  • West Northamptonshire Council
  • The Guildhall 
  • St Giles' Street
  • Northampton
  • NN1 1DE

The deadline for completing this questionnaire is midnight Sunday 18 February 2024.

For information about how your responses are managed please see the Consultation and Engagement Privacy Notice.

What happens next

It is intended that a draft policy will go to Cabinet in May 2024. Prior to coming into effect, we will be working with businesses within the town centre to do a soft launch of the policy, in doing so we will be able to advice and signpost businesses for any assistance they may need to be able to work within the policy.

Thank you for helping us by completing this questionnaire.


  • Engagement activities