Post-16 Transport Policy Statement Consultation 2024
Feedback updated 13 Mar 2025
We asked
Between 1 February and 7 April 2024, we conducted a formal consultation following a review of our current Post-16 Transport Policy Statement.
The proposed amendments relate to young people of sixth form age and those up to 25 years old with Education, Health, and Care plans. These changes aim to address high demand and operating costs while providing greater flexibility for parents and carers, supporting young people's independence, and promoting sustainable travel.
Discussions on the consultation were held directly with the Northampton Parent Forum Group (WNVP), which included attending weekly meetings. Minor changes were made to the proposed policy for clarity purposes, without significantly impacting the proposals presented in the Cabinet report.
The Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee reviewed the proposed policy changes at their meeting on 31 January 2024.
You said
The Post-16 Transport Policy Consultation received 785 responses in total, with 779 submitted via West Northamptonshire Council’s online consultation platform and 6 received by email. Additional feedback was gathered from two drop-in sessions held at Guilsborough Academy.
The following provides a summary of the online consultation:
- The proposal to increase the contribution from parents/carers received 7% support and 91% opposition.
- 72% agreed and 10% disagreed that the council should provide travel support for young adults undertaking apprenticeships.
- 30% felt that Personal Transport Budgets (PTB) are a suitable alternative to the council providing transport (34% did not, and 35% had no opinion). Moreover, 30% believed it should be the first option where sole transport is needed, while 34% disagreed and 35% had no opinion.
- 78% agreed and 13% disagreed that the council should only provide transport at the normal start and finish times of the education or training setting.
Concerns were raised during the consultation that the proposed changes could disadvantage families residing in rural areas and that congestion around larger rural secondary schools might increase if more parents decide to transport their children themselves.
We did
The consultation provided views on the key proposals so that the council could consider the next steps.
The views were taken to the Council's Cabinet Meeting Tuesday 7 May 2024, where it was decided that changes were approved.
Although there was some strong opposition mainly to the increase in cost proposal, it is considered un-feasible for the council to ensure that the service continues to meet the needs of its users, without making certain changes to policy.
Parents and education providers received information regarding the changes in the weeks that followed the approval. Changes take effect for all students entering Post 16 education or training in September 2024.
More information about post 16 home to school transport can be found on the travel options pages.
We would like to know your views on changes we are proposing to our Post-16 Transport Policy Statement.
Students are required to continue in education or training until the age of 18 years, the statutory leaving age is 16. Local Authorities have no statutory duty to provide transport for Post 16 students but instead must publish a “transport policy statement” each year, setting out how they will support young adults to access education and training.
We have reviewed our current Post-16 Transport Policy Statement and are proposing changes which apply to young people of sixth form age and young people with Education, Health and Care plans up to age 25. Changes will come into effect for all students entering Post 16 education or training in September 2024.
The draft statement proposes changes which are needed to meet high demand and operating costs, whilst also giving greater flexibility for parents/carers, support young people’s independence and help to promote sustainable travel.
Your views are important as they will help us to inform proposals.
We recognise circumstances for each young adult and family are often different, therefore we want to know how each of our proposals may affect you. We will also be seeking views from schools and colleges and welcome feedback from West Northamptonshire residents and other interested stakeholders.
Key proposals
This consultation focuses on the following key areas of the Post 16 Transport Policy Statement and you can choose to comment on some or all. There is also an opportunity to provide general comments:
- Increase in the parent/carer contribution towards the cost of Post 16 Transport
- Support for young adults undertaking apprenticeships
- Increased use of Personal Transport Budgets (PTB)
- PTB where sole transport would be the only suitable option, unless in exceptional circumstances
- Transport provision only at standard school/college start and finish times.
Further information and related documents
We have produced some further information on background and on the proposals, you may wish to have this open whilst you complete this consultation.
How to have your say
You can tell us your views in one of the following ways:
- Complete the online survey using the link at the end of this page
- Email us at:
- Write to us at:
- Post-16 Transport Consultation 2023
- West Northamptonshire Council
- The Guildhall
- St Giles' Street
- Northampton
- NN1 1DE
If you have any queries, comments or would like a copy of the questionnaire in another format you can contact us by using the contact details provided above, or by telephone on 01604 364403.
This consultation closes on midnight Sunday 7 April 2024.
What happens next?
The views of parents/carers and young adults who may be affected by the proposals, and others who wish to provide their views will be carefully considered to ensure that the service continues to meet the needs of its users.
Feedback will be part of a report with other people’s feedback, you will not be personally identified.
All responses will be considered and will help to shape decisions
and used to inform the Council of the impact of its proposals and shape the subsequent decision it makes concerning travel assistance for Post 16 students
The proposed policy will be considered by the Council at its Cabinet meeting scheduled for May 2024.
For information on how your personal data is managed, please see the Highways Privacy Notice.
- Consultations
- Children and families
- Schools and education
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