Calling West Northamptonshire businesses to feedback on The Tour of Britain

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Closes 20 Oct 2024

Your thoughts on the Tour of Britain

West Northamptonshire Council funded this event to help shine a spotlight on West Northamptonshire and help local businesses by bringing people from far and wide to the area to enjoy the event.

In terms of distance, did the event:
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?
Please use the following space if you would like to tell us more of your thoughts on the impact to your business or organisation of having the event pass through West Northamptonshire:
Would you like West Northamptonshire Council to continue to promote the area as a destination through efforts such as events like the Tour of Britain?
We would love to hear your wider thoughts and feedback on the Tour of Britain event in West Northamptonshire. Please use the following space to provide your thoughts:
Are you happy for us to use the detail you have provided above in future marketing and promotion?
If yes and you are happy to provide your first name and location to accompany your statement, please do so:

By providing the following details you are consenting for your first name and location (only) to be published alongside your feedback above. If you do not consent to your name being published then please do not complete the below and select that you would like to remain anonymous.