Have your say on Towcester Town Centre revitalisation

Closed 9 Jun 2024

Opened 1 May 2024


We are asking residents and visitors to let us know how they feel about Towcester Town Centre and what improvements they would like to see.


The market town of Towcester boasts a long and fascinating history and features a variety of distinctive businesses, boutiques, eateries, and expansive green spaces. West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) are keen to establish a clear vision for building on Towcester’s strengths to ultimately enhance the community and sustainably grow the economy.

Residents and visitors are being asked to share their ideas about enhancing Towcester Town Centre and any improvements they would like to see made.

Nationally, town centres across the UK are facing many challenges and many people are using them differently to how they have done in the past.

WNC’s Towcester Town Centre Manager has been working closely with local businesses, organisations, and Towcester Town Council to champion the local community, to harness the pride in the town and to establish opportunities to improve the Town Centre and benefit every local resident, business and visitor.

We need your help to shape ideas for these improvements and have set out a series of questions to understand your current and future uses of Towcester Town Centre and how you’d like to see it improved. We are aware that traffic is a key issue for many people in Towcester and there are currently projects underway to improve traffic flow including pedestrian and cycle routes, the Towcester Relief Road and National Highways improvements to the Town Centre, therefore we have not included any questions around this in the survey.

What do we mean by Towcester Town Centre

In this instance the Towcester Town Centre refers to the general town centre location where shops, cafes, restaurants and other local facilities exist. For the purpose of this engagement this includes the following streets/roads:

  • Brackley Road
  • Chantry Lane
  • Moat Lane
  • Northampton Road
  • Park Street
  • Sponne Shopping Centre
  • Richmond Road
  • Towbury Lane
  • Watling Street East and West
  • White Horse Yard
  • Whittons Lane

How we will use responses

Your answers will be summarised to inform our partners and therefore help the Town Centre Manager, local businesses, organisations and Towcester Town Council to develop and prioritise projects and adapt the Town Centre experience to meet the needs of the local community and visitors.

How to provide your views

You can provide your views by completing the online questionnaire using the link below. Alternatively, you can collect and complete a paper version available from:

  • West Northamptonshire Council customer service desk
  • The Forum
  • Moat Lane
  • Towcester
  • NN12 6AD


  • Towcester Town Council
  • Town Hall
  • 86 Watling Street
  • Towcester
  • NN12 6BS

You can also return paper questionnaires to either of the addresses above.

For information about how your responses are managed, please see the consultation and engagement privacy notice.

If you have any queries, comments or would like a copy of this questionnaire in another format you can contact us by email samantha.hosking@westnorthants.gov.uk

The deadline for responding to this consultation is midnight Sunday 9 June 2024.


  • Engagement activities
  • Culture and tourism