Group facilitator survey for Help shape the One West Northamptonshire Plan
Our ambitions
The Draft Plan focuses on two clear ambitions for West Northamptonshire.
A Thriving Place:
- With a thriving economy,
- With a skilled workforce,
- With a great environment to live in,
- That has Great connectivity,
- With more and better quality homes.
Thriving People:
- In a great place to raise a family,
- Where children get the best start,
- Where you can age well,
- Where residents feel safe,
- Where you can keep busy and active.
At the root of these ambitions is the need for an Efficient and Enabling Organisation:
- That’s easy to do business with,
- With modern and efficient process,
- With no waste of public money,
- With evidence and intelligence based decisions,
- And best use of assets.
You can view the outcomes on Page 5 of the Plan.