Help shape the One West Northamptonshire Plan
Priority 1: Productive, Inclusive and Enterprising
We aim to support a thriving, inclusive economy where local people benefit from growth.
Driving local economic growth will create quality jobs, an increasingly skilled workforce, and improve health and wellbeing, while attracting infrastructure investment
West Northamptonshire has strengths in logistics, distribution, and advanced engineering, with two Formula 1 teams and globally known companies. We offer excellent education and skills training through local institutions. We need a workforce with the right skills for future ambitions and current business needs.
Our goal is to capture high-value knowledge sector jobs and support a strong resilient foundation economy, attracting and retaining high-value businesses, and raising living standards. We have one of the highest rate of business start-ups in the country, and support through incubation to move on and grow.
As the host and a member of the South Midlands Authorities, we are well-placed to benefit from a regional skills approach and are seeking devolved funding. Working together and pooling budgets can increase employment and improve skills, benefiting both people and the local area.
Please view the proposed Priority 1 and suggested outcomes and shared development areas.