Tell us your views about early years and wraparound childcare

Closed 19 Jan 2025

Opened 9 Dec 2024


We would like to hear from parents and carers of children who receive childcare in West Northamptonshire to understand their experiences and needs.


We are carrying out a survey to find out if West Northamptonshire has a suitable and sufficient level of childcare available for children up to the age of 14 years old, or up to the age of 25 if they have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

As a local authority, we have a duty to complete a Childcare Sufficiency Assessment each year on how we meet our legal requirement to secure sufficient and affordable childcare. The assessment compares the supply of childcare with the demand for it, to help us see gaps in the childcare market.

What is sufficient childcare?

Sufficient childcare means that parent and carers can find secure childcare that meets the child’s learning needs. This then allows parents and carers to make choices about their own work or training.

How to provide your views

We would like to hear from parents, guardians, and carers of children up to the age of 14 years old (or 25 if SEND) who currently use any type of childcare including early years and wraparound care in West Northamptonshire. Your feedback will help us to understand the local childcare need.

You can provide your views by completing the online survey using the link below ‘Give us your views’.

If you need a copy of this survey in another format you can contact by email at:

The deadline for responding to this consultation is midnight Sunday 19 January 2025.

For information about how your responses are managed please see the Consultation and Engagement Privacy Notice.

What happens next?

The information will be used to report to elected council members, and then published on the West Northamptonshire Council website before being used to inform our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment. The assessment will be presented to Cabinet members in September 2025.

This work will also help us plan to make sure there are enough high-quality childcare places at the right times and in the right places that families need it.

The Childcare Sufficiency Assessment will be made available December 2025 on our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment website page.


  • Engagement activities
  • Children and families