Public Spaces Protection Order consultation: Francis Jetty

Closed 19 Dec 2022

Opened 8 Nov 2022

Feedback updated 26 May 2023

We asked

During November and December 2022, we asked people for their thoughts on a proposal to permanently gate a historic pedestrian route called Francis Jetty through use of a Public Spaces Protection Order. This is in order to combat illicit and anti-social behaviour that has been evidenced in this location.

You said

There were 43 responses to this consultation, 33 were full responses, 10 were not completed entirely. Over half of all responses said that they felt anti-social behaviour or crime was an issue in the Francis Jetty area, with just over half of all respondents supporting the gating of the route.

We did

All responses have been considered and plans approved meaning that Francis Jetty will be gated 24 hours a day, seven days a week, under a Public Spaces Protection Order.

For updates on this and other WNC PSPO's please visit our Public Spaces Protection Orders webpage


West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to make a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to close off a pedestrian route between two town centre roads, in order to help control anti-social behaviour.

A PSPO allows councils to impose restrictions on the use of specific areas. A PSPO can deal with persistent and unreasonable nuisances and anti-social behaviour that has a detrimental effect on the quality of life for the local community in a particular area. They intend to help ensure that the public can use and enjoy public spaces and can help to make West Northamptonshire a better and safer place to live.


Francis Jetty is part of Northampton's historic pedestrian network, unfortunately over many years has been used as a place to conduct illicit activities, often after dark, away from the scrutiny of passing pedestrians and other capable guardians such as the police and wardens. It is proposed to use the Crime and Policing Act (2014) to gate the alleyway 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


The proposal looks to install gates to close off Francis Jetty, this will look to help control anti-social behaviour by preventing pedestrian or wheeled access. It is proposed to use the Crime and Policing Act (2014) to gate the alleyway 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the exception of required access for fire exit and waste collection if required.

The map below shows Francis Jetty and alternative routes that can be used.

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The consultation process

Legally, we must have evidence to show the need for a PSPO before such an Order is made. The activities controlled by the PSPO need to have had, or be likely to have, an unreasonable and detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality and are, or are likely to be, persistent and continuing in nature.

What happens next?

We will review the feedback from the consultation and take into account the views of the owners and occupiers of properties adjacent to the Jetty, as well as those of Northants Police and Northants Fire and Rescue Service. A decision whether to proceed with the process to make a PSPO to gate Francis Jetty will then be made. If we do proceed, then a draft PSPO will be prepared and advertised and further feedback from the public sought before any decision whether to make that Order is taken.

How to provide your views

We welcome views on the proposal and invite comments through an online survey which can be accessed below.

For further information, if you have difficulties accessing the consultation, or would like a copy of this questionnaire in another format please contact Aimee Luck, Community Safety and Engagement Project Officer for central Northampton at or by contacting the Community Safety and Engagement Team on 07557496415.

This consultation closes at midnight on 20th December 2022.

For further detail of how we handle data please see the Community Safety and Engagement Privacy Notice.


  • Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)