Community Engagement and Resettlement: Homes for Ukraine scheme expression of interest

Closed 31 Dec 2023

Opened 6 Jan 2023


Are you interested in becoming a host on the Homes for Ukraine scheme?

We are currently looking for new hosts to help support Ukrainian guests whose original accommodation has not worked out, or where their original hosts, due to changes in their personal circumstances, are unable to continue to offer the use of their home.

Due to more visa applications being approved, further hosts are needed as new arrivals are looking to make West Northamptonshire their temporary home.

Please complete the online questionnaire to tell us whether you are interested in becoming a host; the type of accommodation being offered, and some further information about you.

We will use the information gathered to help us continue to support Homes for Ukraine programme in West Northamptonshire.

If you need any further information please contact contact us on

Before you complete this questionaire, please read the Homes for Ukraine privacy policy which will tell you how the information you give us will be managed.

Thank you for helping us by completing this questionnaire.

What happens next

The results of this survey will be used to help us match and rematch families with sponsors on the Homes for Ukraine scheme across West Northamptonshire.


  • Engagement activities
  • Community, safety and emergencies