Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Consultation 2024, submission version

Closes 24 Nov 2024

Opened 7 Oct 2024


Barby and Onley Parish Council have submitted the final version of the Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan: Barby and Onley Neighbourhood Development Plan Submission Version, September 2024.

As the local planning authority, the Council is now required to undertake a consultation to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on whether the submitted plan meets the basic conditions before it goes to examination. This consultation is known as Regulation 16 stage in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012. The basic conditions are that the plan;

  • Must be appropriate having regard to National Policy
  • Must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development
  • Must be in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
  • Must be compatible with human rights requirements
  • Must be compatible with EU obligations.

Please note that the current version of the plan is the version that will be submitted for examination.

The consultation will close at midnight on Sunday 24 November 2024.

What is the Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan?
The Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has been prepared following the adoption of the Daventry Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) in February 2020 and the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy in 2014. It also takes into account changes in the neighbourhood area. Barby and Onley Parish Council Neighbourhood Planning Group also took the opportunity to undertake a housing needs assessment of the area, allocate a site for housing, and develop a design guide and codes.

Consultation Documents

You can view the following consultation documents under the Submission section of the West Northamptonshire Council Neighbourhood Plans page:

  • Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Development Plan (including Policies Maps)
  • Appendix A Housing Needs Assessment
  • Appendix B Design Guide and Codes
  • Appendix C Site Options and Assessment
  • Appendix D Local Green Space and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Sites
  • Appendix E Non-designated Heritage assets
  • Appendix F Important Views
  • Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan Modification Statement
  • Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement
  • Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement
  • Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan Responses (to be read in conjunction with Consultation Statement)
  • Barby and Onley Review Neighbourhood Plan Screening Report for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)  and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA)

Alternatively, the documents listed above are available to view at the following locations:

  • Barby Village Store and Post Office, 5 Rugby Road, Barby, CV23 8UA,
  • One Stop Shop, The Guildhall, St Giles Street, Northampton, NN1 1DE,
  • Daventry Library, The Abbey Advice and Resource Centre, St John’s Square, Daventry, NN11 4XG.

Who can take part in the consultation?

The consultation is aimed at individuals and organisations living, working or carrying out business within Barby or Onley who will be affected by the plan, or are interested in what the plan contains.

How can I submit my comments?

You can submit your comments by:

  • Taking the online survey by following the survey link below.

You can also submit your views in writing, setting out your support or objection to the Neighbourhood Plan, to which part of the Neighbourhood Plan the representation relates (i.e., page, paragraph, policy, map), and your reasons including what changes you feel are necessary to ensure the plan meets the basic conditions. In order for these to be considered, you can:

  • or
  • Write to: West Northamptonshire Council, Planning Policy, The Guildhall, St Giles' Street, Northampton, NN1 1DE (Please ensure that there is sufficient time to guarantee delivery to our office by the closing date for comments).

Within your response to this consultation you can request to be notified of West Northamptonshire Council’s decision to adopt the plan once an examination and referendum (if required) have taken place.

Please note that we are unable to accept anonymous comments. If you are a local resident your name will be removed from your response when it is published on our website.

For information about how your responses are managed please view our Planning and Climate Change Policy Privacy Notice.

What Happens Next?

Following the six week consultation period, all comments received from this will be sent to an Independent Examiner who will examine the plan. If the Independent Examiner determines that the plan meets the basic conditions with or without modifications, the Council will consider their recommendations. The Examiner will also decide whether the nature of the modifications is such that a referendum is needed.  The Council will consider the Examiner’s report and depending on their recommendations, either decide to make the plan or send it to referendum.

Please submit your comments


  • Local area planning consultations