Northampton Local Plan Part 2 Proposed Further Main Modifications Consultation November 2022

Closed 19 Dec 2022

Opened 7 Nov 2022


Having been through several stages of public consultation previously, the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 is being examined by Government-appointed Inspectors who have stated that, subject to further main modifications to the Plan being made, they would be able to find the Plan sound. They have asked us to put the proposed further main modifications out to public consultation and they will take representations into account in writing their report about the Plan. 

West Northamptonshire Council is in the process of preparing a Local Plan Part 2 for Northampton. This has now reached the final stages of the Examination process. 

The Northampton Local Plan Part 2 will, when adopted, replace all remaining saved policies from the Northampton Local Plan 1997 and replace all policies in the Northampton Central Area Action Plan 2013. It will include policies about development for housing, employment, supporting growth, design and the built and natural environments. These policies will inform the consideration of planning applications.

In July 2022, the Council consulted the public on Proposed Modifications to the Plan as the Inspectors examining the Plan considered that these modifications were necessary to make the plan sound. Having seen the comments received on the proposed modifications, the Inspectors recommended that Further Main Modifications be consulted on. The Modifications affect two development sites and relate to site capacity, and traffic and access arrangements. This is why the Council is carrying out this further round of public consultation. 

West Northamptonshire Council welcome views from statutory consultees, members of the public, landowners, businesses, local organisations. Some will be respondents to previous rounds of consultation about the Plan.

The consultation documents are:

  • Proposed Further Main Modifications
  • Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal
  • Addendum to the Habitats Regulations Assessment

Further information, including the above documents are available online at:

Northampton Local Plan Part 2 Submission & Examination

All previous consultation documents are available to view online at Northampton Local Plan Part 2 (Note: you may wish to keep these pages open whilst you complete the survey). Paper copies are available for viewing at the following locations:

Council Offices:


Paper copies of consultation documents will also be made available at Parish and Town Council offices in Northampton. Please contact them for details of availability and opening hours.

What happens next

Feedback on the Further Main Modifications to the Plan will be sent to the Government-appointed Planning Inspectors examining the Plan, and taken into account when they write their report about the Plan.

How to have your say

You can have your say on the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 by completing an online survey using the link below. 

If you need assistance to complete the online questionnaire or would like a copy of it in another format (including paper, easy read or large print) you can contact us by email, post or telephone. Our contact details are as follows:

  • Email:
  • Postal address: Planning Policy, West Northants Council, The Guildhall, St Giles’ Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE
  • Telephone: 0300 126 7000 (follow the options for Planning, then Northampton)

The deadline for all responses is 23.59 on 19 December 2022.

Please note that it is not possible for representations to be considered anonymouslyRepresentations will be published on the consultation website. Address and contact details will be removed from published responses.

By taking part in this consultation, you are agreeing to the Council collecting your personal data in order to be able to process your response to consultation on the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 Proposed Further Main Modifications. To understand how the Council handles your details and personal information please see our privacy notice at: planning and climate change policy privacy notice


  • Local area planning consultations