Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

Closes 17 Oct 2024


In order to comment on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan please select the appropriate area from the list below.

When you have provided your feedback and you select Continue you will be brought back to this Contents page where you can choose to comment on other areas. If you do not wish to comment on other areas, please scroll to the bottom of this Contents page and select Finish.

You must select one option in question 1 to be able to submit your response.

All of the following documents open in a separate window.

Page Response
Your details (Required)
percent complete
0 of 3 questions answered
Have your say on the transport vision
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Have your say on the draft objectives
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Have your say on the policies in Theme 1 - Connecting People Better
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Have your say on the policies in Theme 2 - Shaping Healthier Places
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Have your say on the policies in Theme 3 - Mobility Enabling Prosperity
percent complete
0 of 2 questions answered
Further comments
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
Integrated Impact Assessment and Carbon Assessment
percent complete
0 of 1 questions answered
About you - Optional questions for residents and visitors
percent complete
0 of 10 questions answered