Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

Closes 17 Oct 2024

Have your say on the draft objectives

To meet the LTP Vision, we have worked with key partners to develop three key overarching strategic themes and 6 supporting objectives to address issues and areas of improvement.

Theme 1: Connecting People Better

Objective 1 - Improve the accessibility of the public transport, walking and cycling networks, to promote a system that is fair and provides attractive travel alternatives to key destinations.

Objective 2 - Create thriving communities through local investment in a more resilient transport network, services and the public realm in urban and rural towns and villages across West Northamptonshire.

Theme 2: Shaping Healthier Places

Objective 3Improving road safety and reducing pollution, while expanding active travel networks and supporting infrastructure that facilitates public health outcomes.

Objective 4Enhance local environments and further reduce carbon emissions from transport by investing in low carbon and electric modes, without compromising local heritage. 

Theme 3: Mobility Enabling Prosperity

Objective 5Reducing inequalities through better transport connections to key employment and education opportunities, to support local socio-economic growth.

Objective 6Maximise the benefits to communities and businesses through use of technology and innovation. 

The themes and objectives can be found in section 2 of the draft Local Transport Plan.

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the six objectives?
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