Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

Closes 17 Oct 2024

Have your say on the transport vision

A Vision looks into the future and provides our overarching aim or ambition that we want to achieve.

A summary of our transport vision is that by 2045 we would have:

  • Moved quickly to have achieved net zero.
  • Worked with communities to:
    • make active travel such as walking or wheeling a first choice for short trips,
    • make public transport more attractive and accessible,
    • help lessen dependency on private cars.
  • Made our transport system safer, cleaner, and more inclusive.
  • Improved transport infrastructure and transport services to make them more resilient.

Our transport Vision in full

Our transport vision is that (by 2045):

West Northamptonshire has moved rapidly to achieve a net zero emissions transport system by 2045. Working together with our communities we have made travel by active modes like walking and cycling the natural first choice for short trips, travel by public transport has become increasingly attractive and accessible, and communities are less dependent on private cars. Our transport system is both safer and cleaner, benefitting our health and the environment, and supporting the access needs of everyone in our community to foster social inclusion and wellbeing. More resilient infrastructure and services increase opportunities for people to live their best lives by facilitating vibrant town and local centres, and a thriving local economy.

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the Vision for the Local Transport Plan?
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