Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

Closes 17 Oct 2024

Have your say on the policies in Theme 2 - Shaping Healthier Places

Under this theme we have developed 6 policies (numbered policies 6 to 11) which are the approaches we will take in order to achieve our aims otherwise knowns as our objectives.

Shaping Healthier Places focuses on:

  • Creating safer places and healthier lives for everyone
  • Driving rapid decarbonisation whilst improving biodiversity, the natural environment and protecting local heritage

The policy areas are:

Policy 6: Active Travel Network This policy helps unlock the individual and public health benefits available by removing barriers to more people choosing to walk, wheel, cycle, scoot or ride for all or part of their journeys.
Policy 7: Network Operations and Maintenance This policy aids the effective operation of all modes across the Council area and wider region through leading approaches to maintenance of our roads, cycles routes, public rights of way and footpath.
Policy 8: Road and Transport Safety This policy takes a proactive and integrated approach to avoiding and reducing the actual and perceived impact of motor vehicles, collisions between users and violence on public transport, on the safety and lives of individuals and families.
Policy 9: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation This policy reiterates our goal to achieve net zero by 2045 while ensuring infrastructure and services are resilient against the increased severity and frequency of severe weather events.
Policy 10: Biodiversity and Access to Nature This policy recognises the inherent value of our natural environment and its benefits to the wider community while seeking to increase biodiversity and individual access to nature.
Policy 11: Air and Noise Pollution This policy reinforces our commitments to reducing air and noise pollution, particularly in known problem areas where negative impacts on communities are the greatest.


Where to find these policies in the draft Plan

Policy Section and page
Policy 6: Active Travel Network Chapter 6 page 48
Policy 7: Network Operations and Maintenance Chapter 6 page 50
Policy 8: Road and Transport Safety Chapter 6 page 52
Policy 9: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Chapter 6 page 54
Policy 10: Biodiversity and Access to Nature Chapter 6 page 56
Policy 11: Air and Noise Pollution Chapter 6 page 57
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following polices under the Shaping Healthier Places theme?
2. Please use the following space to set out why you have answered the above in the way that you have:

Please refer to supporting text as well as the specific policy and provide revised wording for any changes you wish to suggest.

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