Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

Closes 17 Oct 2024

Have your say on the policies in Theme 3 - Mobility Enabling Prosperity

Under this theme we have developed 5 policies (numbered policies 12 to 16) which are the approaches we will take in order to achieve our aims otherwise knowns as our objectives.

Mobility Enabling Prosperity focuses on:

  • Levelling up left behind areas through inclusive growth and allowing businesses to flourish
  • Embracing innovation and technology in ways that benefit the community and businesses

The policy areas are:

Policy 12: Reducing Isolation and Improving Rural Access This policy seeks to ensure everyone has access to the benefits of available and affordable transportation options, reducing the negative impacts of dependency on any single mode.
Policy 13: Supporting Business and Freight Movements This policy acknowledges the unique transport needs of businesses and supports the more efficient movement of goods as well as the region’s leading role in the logistics sector.
Policy 14: Sustainable Developments and Embracing of Technology This policy ensures transport planning is fully integrated with land use and development planning, and that all of these are prepared for and can benefit from the latest technologies.
Policy 15: Shared and On-Demand Mobility Options This policy sets out how shared and on-demand transport options can best be developed, supported, and monitored to complement fixed route and regular timetabled services.
Policy 16: Community Engagement and Collaboration This policy puts communities at the heart of our decision making, giving more opportunities to be involved in the development and operation of transport infrastructure and services.


Where to find these policies in the draft Plan

Policy Section and page
Policy 12: Reducing Isolation and Improving Rural Access Chapter 7 page 61
Policy 13: Supporting Business and Freight Movements Chapter 7 page 62
Policy 14: Sustainable Developments and Embracing of Technology Chapter 7 page 64
Policy 15: Shared and On-Demand Mobility Options Chapter 7 page 66
Policy 16: Community Engagement and Collaboration Chapter 7 page 67
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following polices under the Mobility Enabling Prosperity theme?
2. Please use the following space to set out why you have answered the above in the way that you have:

Please refer to supporting text as well as the specific policy and provide revised wording for any changes you wish to suggest.

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