Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

Closes 17 Oct 2024

Integrated Impact Assessment and Carbon Assessment

The impacts of the policies and interventions in the draft Local Transport Plan has been assessed through an Integrated Impact Assessment. The Integrated Impact Assessment includes a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA), Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) and Health Impact Assessment (HIA). We have also undertaken a Carbon Assessment using the Carbon Assessment Playbook tool.


Terms and meanings

The following sets out details of the different parts of the Integrated Impact Assessment:

Strategic Environmental Assessment  Strategic Environmental Assessment, a decision support process which ensures that environmental and sustainability aspects are considered effectively in policy, plan and program making.
Habitats Regulation Assessment  Habitats Regulation Assessment, which assesses whether plans will have the potential to cause an impact on protected areas.
Equalities Impact Assessment  Equality Impact Assessment, a process designed to ensure that a policy, project or scheme does not discriminate against any disadvantaged or vulnerable people.
Health Impact Assessment  Health Impact Assessment, a series of procedures by which the impact of an intervention or policy may have on the health of a population is measured.
Carbon Assessment Playbook tool  The Carbon Assessment Playbook has been developed by England’s Subnational Transport Bodies to provide an evidence-led, quantifiable approach to carbon reduction in the development of local transport strategies and plans. The data, tools and guidance it provides can help authorities to understand baseline emissions and understand the impact of a strategy or plan on future emissions to 2050.


1. Use the following area to provide your comments on the Carbon Assessment and Integrated Impact Assessment: