Have your say on the draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

Closes 17 Oct 2024

About you - Optional questions for residents and visitors

Please only complete these questions if you are responding for yourself as an individual. These questions are optional.

We collect certain information from you to help understand our communities so that we meet the needs of everybody, and ensure that everybody has an opportunity to have their voice heard.

Please feel free to leave any questions which you do not wish to answer.

Any information you chose to provide will be treated confidentially and in accordance with data protection legislation.

1. Are you:
2. Are you currently pregnant or have you had a baby in the last 6 months?
3. How old are you?
4. Do you have a disability?
5. If ‘Yes’, please tick the appropriate box(es) which best describes your disability?
6. What is your religion or belief?
7. How would you describe your ethnic origin?
8. If you are 16 or over which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?
9. Is your gender identity the same as the sex you were registered with at birth?
10. What would you describe your marital status as?