Have your say on the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

Closes 1 May 2025

Have your say on the PNA

Please answer the following questions.

If your comment relates to a certain section of the document, please make sure to include any page and section numbers.

1. How are you responding to this questionnaire (please select one answer)

Please note: If you're responding for yourself as an individual, there's an optional 'More About You' section at the end of the consultation. This helps us understand how different people might be affected by the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, ensuring fairness and equality.

2. Did you take part in last year’s Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment engagement exercise?
3. Do you agree or disagree that the PNA clearly explains what it is, and how it is going to be used once it’s adopted?

Summary and location in the document

The purpose of a PNA is to ensure that pharmacy services are effectively meeting the health needs of the community by guiding decisions on where and what services are needed.

The full purpose is explained in section 1.1 of the PNA.

4. Do you agree or disagree that the PNA gives an accurate overview of what pharmacy services are available in Northamptonshire?

Summary and location in the document

The current provision of pharmaceutical services within the area details the availability of essential and advanced services. It highlights the number of pharmacies and dispensing appliance contractors. This section picks up on access to these services, which is generally good, with most residents able to reach a pharmacy within 20 minutes by car. Additionally, it discusses the availability of services outside regular hours.

The relevant section of the document is section 5 of the PNA.

5. Do you agree or disagree that the PNA accurately reflects the needs of your local community where you live?

Summary and location in the document

The conclusions of the document detail the current provision of pharmaceutical services in local areas, highlighting that there are no gaps in service provision and that access to these services is generally good and sufficient to meet the future needs of the population, even with future population growth.

The relevant section of the document is section 8 of the PNA.

6. If you feel there are any gaps in current services that we have not picked up in the PNA, please let us know what these are below:

What do we mean by current services

This could be the availability of services, such as the times and locations, and types of services.

7. Use the following space to let us know if you feel there are any pharmacy services needed that have not already been identified in the PNA:

What do we mean by pharmaceutical services

A pharmacy, also known as a chemist, is a place you would go to:

  • To collect a prescription
  • To buy medicines
  • To talk to a pharmacist for advice about your illnesses or medication

We do not mean any pharmacy in a hospital, or somewhere you shop to buy anything other than medicine, for example, beauty products.

8. Do you agree or disagree that the PNA clearly explains its findings and recommendations?