Seeking your views on the development of our Climate Change Strategy

Closes 29 Sep 2024

Opened 12 Aug 2024


We are developing a Climate Change Strategy for West Northamptonshire which will detail the actions the Council will take to become better prepared for climate change as well as reduce locally produced greenhouse gas emissions, which are a key driver of climate change.

What do we mean by greenhouse gas?

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) regulate the Earth’s temperature in a similar way to the glass of a greenhouse, without this greenhouse gas effect, the Earth would become too cold for life as we know it. Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are releasing more and more GHGs into the atmosphere, changing Earth's natural greenhouse effect. Scientists agree that the increase in GHGs is responsible for climate change. The key GHGs are: 

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

  • Methane (CH4);

  • Nitrous oxide (N2O); 

  • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); 

  • Perfluorocarbons (PFCs); 

  • Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); and 

  • Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3

West Northamptonshire Council has already set the target of achieving Net Zero across West Northamptonshire by 2045, five years ahead of the Government’s target.

What is meant by Net Zero?

Net zero is the balance between the amount of GHGs released into the atmosphere and the amount of GHGs removed from the atmosphere. For example, West Northamptonshire Council would be net zero if for each tonne of GHGs released into the atmosphere, an equivalent tonne of GHGs is removed through natural or technical means. 

We want to hear from local residents, businesses and organisations to ensure the strategy we develop is suitable for the whole community. Whatever your views, we encourage you to respond and help shape our strategy and let us know if we are focusing on the right things.

Why your views matter

Your feedback is important and will help us ensure our response to climate change is effective and meets the needs of the whole community to work together to tackle climate change.

We have identified a range of priorities we believe will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of climate change on West Northamptonshire and would like to understand if people agree with us.

What happens next?

Responses from this engagement will be used to inform the development of the final draft strategy. We will be asking again for your views on the strategy when it is produced later this year.

In early 2025 the strategy, in its final form, will be presented to Councillors for approval and adoption by the Council.

Have your say:

You can have your say by:

  • Completing an online survey using the ’Give us your views’ link at the bottom of this page.
  • Writing or emailing us on the contact details provided below.

If you need assistance to complete the online questionnaire, or would like a copy of it in another format, or respond via an alternative method, our contact details are as follows:


Postal address:

  • Engagement: Climate Change Strategy Development Response
  • Sustainability Team
  • West Northamptonshire Council
  • The Guildhall 
  • St Giles' Street
  • Northampton
  • NN1 1DE

This initial phase of engagement will close at midnight on Sunday 29 September 2024.

For information about how your responses are managed please see the Consultation and Engagement Privacy Notice.

Give us your views


  • Engagement activities