167 results
Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme consultation 2022 to 2023
We are seeking your views on the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for West Northamptonshire Council for 2022 to 2023. The Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme (sometimes known as Council Tax Support) is to help people on low income to pay their Council Tax. Local Council Tax Reduction Schemes (LCTRS) were introduced from April 2013 when Council Tax Benefit was abolished and replaced by locally agreed schemes. Those of pensioner age are protected by... MoreClosed 17 October 2021 -
Pitsford Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 consultation
West Northamptonshire Council has a legal responsibility to undertake a consultation on the submitted version of a neighbourhood plan. Pitsford Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group submitted their final version of the Pitsford Neighbourhood Plan to West Northamptonshire Council in August 2021. As the local planning authority, the Council is required to undertake a consultation to provide the opportunity for all parties to comment on whether the submitted plan... MoreClosed 15 October 2021 -
Oxford-Cambridge Arc: Have your say
The Government has launched a consultation on future development across the Oxford Cambridge Arc which includes Northamptonshire. A new plan aims to enhance the infrastructure, environment and new developments in the counties of Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire. This public consultation is the first of three that will guide a new Spatial Framework over the next two years. Comments received in the... MoreClosed 12 October 2021 -
Bus back better: How can we improve bus services across North and West Northamptonshire?
North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council have both committed to develop a Bus Service Improvement Plan and form an Enhanced Partnership with local bus operators to implement improvements in their bus networks in line with the Government's National Bus Strategy “Bus Back Better”. To help us with this work, we are seeking your views on the improvements you would like to see in local bus services by answering the survey below. This is your opportunity to... MoreClosed 10 October 2021 -
Overview and Scrutiny Committees: What should they investigate over the next twelve months?
West Northamptonshire Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committees are asking for people to submit their ideas about what the committees should investigate over the next twelve months. The committees can look into any issue affecting residents or the West Northamptonshire Council area, and ideas do not need to be related to Council services. We have three Overview and Scrutiny Committees: Corporate Scrutiny Committee which scrutinises strategic priorities, the budget and... MoreClosed 27 September 2021 -
Do you have flood resilience measures installed in your home?
As part of the Ox-Cam Pathfinder Project, West Northamptonshire Council, in partnership with 8 local authorities, would like to know about the flood resilience measures installed in homes across the Oxford-Cambridge Arc (Ox-Cam) region. The Ox-Cam Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Pathfinder Project aims to find new and innovative ways of embedding flood resilience into properties (both homes and businesses) and help raise the understanding of property flood resilience across the... MoreClosed 3 September 2021 -
Proposal by West Northamptonshire Council to make Land West of Thorpeville, Moulton, available to the Department for Education for delivery of a new secondary free school
People are invited to give their views on proposals which would see a new secondary school built near Moulton to meet the demand for places in the area. West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has a legal obligation to provide a sufficiency of school places in all areas of West Northamptonshire. Since September 2019 a deficit of Year 7 places has been experienced in Northampton town. Whilst WNC (and its predecessor organisation, Northamptonshire County Council) have... MoreClosed 3 September 2021 -
Briar Hill community engagement survey
The agencies working in Briar Hill would like to know what residents of Briar Hill think about their area and what they would like to see in the future. The Briar Hill Community Engagement survey is available to help the agencies stay up to date and understand the ongoing issues for residents in the area; as well as provide them the opportunity to learn more about the services in their area. The survey has been developed by the Council in partnership with the police, fire services,... MoreClosed 31 August 2021 -
West Northamptonshire Council Constitution review 2021
We are seeking views from individuals and organisations within the communities of West Northamptonshire on how our Council Constitution could be improved. How the Council exercises its powers and duties in accordance with the law is set out in its Constitution. The Constitution describes how the Council operates, how decisions are made, and the procedures that are followed to ensure that it is efficient, transparent and accountable to its local citizens. The purpose of the... MoreClosed 31 August 2021 -
Have your say on West Northamptonshire Council’s communications
How would you like West Northamptonshire Council to share news and updates? There have been some major changes recently to how council services are being delivered in your area – and we’d like to know how to keep you updated with news and information about them. Your new West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) launched in April, replacing the previous councils covering Daventry, Northampton and South Northamptonshire and bringing services for all these areas under one... MoreClosed 30 August 2021 -
Fair Access Protocol for West Northamptonshire schools in 2021 to 2022 consultation
West Northamptonshire Council, as the local authority, is raising awareness of changes to the Fair Access Protocol in the new School Admissions Code 2021, which comes into force on 1 September 2021. This consultation is to enable schools, as well as other potentially interested parties, to register their views and opinions. Each local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol, agreed with the majority of schools in its area, to ensure that unplaced and... MoreClosed 15 August 2021 -
Traffic Regulation Order: Spring Boroughs, Northampton
Three Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are being proposed in the Spring Boroughs area of Northampton which aim to increase the number of available parking spaces. West Northamptonshire Council’s Community Safety and Engagement Team has worked with groups in the Spring Boroughs area of Northampton to consider changes to Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs). This has resulted in a number of proposals which aim to increase the number of parking spaces that are available... MoreClosed 13 June 2021 -
Traffic regulation order: The Mounts, Northampton
Seventeen Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs), across seven streets, are being proposed in the Mounts area of Northampton which aim to increase the number of available parking spaces. West Northamptonshire Council’s Community Safety and Engagement Team has worked with groups in the Mounts area of Northampton to consider changes to Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs). This has resulted in a number of proposals which aim to increase the number of parking spaces that are available while... MoreClosed 13 June 2021 -
West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2021-22 consultation
West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2021-22 Consultation ran from 6 December 2020 to midnight on 2 February 2021 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of West Northamptonshire Council. The consultation has been added to the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. The first draft budget for West Northamptonshire Council was approved... MoreClosed 2 February 2021 -
West Northamptonshire Council Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme (LCTRS) consultation 2021-22
West Northamptonshire Council Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme (LCTRS) Consultation 2021-22 ran from 2 November to midnight on 13 December 2020 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of West Northamptonshire Council. The consultation has been added to the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. Background The Local Council Tax... MoreClosed 13 December 2020 -
Have your say on the new West Northamptonshire Council logo
The 'Have your say on the new West Northamptonshire Council logo' engagement activity ran from 17 August to midnight on 6 September 2020 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of West Northamptonshire Council. The engagement activity has been added to the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. The West Northamptonshire Shadow Authority is... MoreClosed 6 September 2020 -
Customer Services opening hours in the new Northamptonshire unitary authorities
The 'Customer Services opening hours in the new Northamptonshire unitary authorities' engagement activity ran from 7 July to midnight on 23 August 2020 on the Future Northants Consultation Hub as part of preparations for the formation of West Northamptonshire Council. The engagement activity has been added to the West Northamptonshire Consultation Hub as a matter of record and to provide feedback on how consultation responses assisted decision making. The way local government... MoreClosed 23 August 2020
167 results.
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