156 results
West Northamptonshire – Heritage Open Days Visitor Experience 2023
We hope you have enjoyed West Northamptonshire Heritage Open Days. If you are happy to share your experiences with us, please complete this survey to help us to make West Northamptonshire Heritage Open Days even better for next year. The data will only be used for the purpose of this consultation and will not be passed on to a third party. Any information given to us is treated as confidential, and your personal information will not be shared with event organisers. ... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Emergencies: How prepared are you?
September is Preparedness Month and as part of the national #30Days30WaysUK campaign we run an annual survey to find out how prepared people are for emergencies that may happen. Since 2015, the 30Days30WaysUK campaign aims to inspire and empower people to be more ‘emergency ready’. This short survey has its roots in the 2008 ‘place survey’ across all local authorities in England and the 2013 ‘How Prepared Are You’ survey in Northamptonshire. It also takes inspiration... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Have your say on the Library Service Strategy 2023-2027
We would like your views on how we propose to continue to develop our libraries as thriving community hubs, guided by the priorities we have identified, ensuring we support people of all ages and backgrounds. Background There are 18 Libraries across West Northamptonshire, the council are responsible for 9 of these and the rest are community managed libraries delivered in partnership with community organisations and volunteers. We have drafted a Library Service Strategy... MoreClosed 29 October 2023 -
Tackling violence and improving lives through the Serious Violence Duty
Serious violence affects many communities. The impact can be life changing, whether you are a victim or a witness. Have you been affected by serious violence in the last year? If so, we would like to know about the experience you and your family may have had, as well as the issues affecting your community. Background Legislation called the Serious Violence Duty was introduced in January 2023. The Serious Violence Duty requires organisations across the public sector... MoreClosed 27 October 2023 -
Public Spaces Protection Order renewal for Daventry 2023
We are consulting on renewing the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Daventry to help tackle nuisance or problem behaviour. A PSPO can deal with persistent and unreasonable nuisances and anti-social behaviour that has a negative effect on the quality of life for the local community in a particular area and intend to help ensure that members of the public and local communities can use and enjoy open areas and public spaces, helping to make Daventry a safe place to live, work, and... MoreClosed 22 October 2023 -
Public Spaces Protection Order consultation for Marble Arch Northampton
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to renew a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to close the highway known as Marble Arch. A PSPO allows councils to impose restrictions on the use of specific areas. A PSPO can deal with persistent and unreasonable nuisances and anti-social behaviour that has a detrimental effect on the quality of life for the local community in a particular area. They... MoreClosed 8 October 2023 -
Have your say on funding for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
West Northamptonshire Council Children and Young People’s Services are looking to gather feedback on peoples’ thoughts on how those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are funded. We are also keen to explore the level of understanding around SEND funding. Background The council supports children and young people up to the age of 25 that have SEND. Education settings (early years settings, mainstream schools, SEND units within mainstream schools and further... MoreClosed 1 October 2023 -
Have your say on the Draft West Northamptonshire Council Housing Allocation Scheme
We are consulting on a draft West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) Housing Allocation Scheme. Every local housing authority is required by law to have a housing allocations policy (or scheme) which determines how available social housing is allocated to those on the housing register. Whilst much of a policy is in accordance with legislation, guidance and regulations, the council is able to shape certain areas of the policy to address certain local needs. This includes detail about: ... MoreClosed 26 September 2023 -
Public Spaces Protection Order consultation for Emporium Way Northampton
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to make a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to temporarily close off a pedestrian route in Northampton town centre, in order to help control anti-social behaviour . A PSPO allows councils to impose restrictions on the use of specific areas. A PSPO can deal with persistent and unreasonable nuisances and anti-social... MoreClosed 19 September 2023 -
Public Spaces Protection Order renewal for Northampton 2023
We are consulting on renewing the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Northampton to help tackle nuisance or problem behaviour. A PSPO can deal with persistent and unreasonable nuisances and anti-social behaviour that has a negative effect on the quality of life for the local community in a particular area and intend to help ensure that members of the public and local communities can use and enjoy open areas and public spaces, helping to make Northampton a safe place to live,... MoreClosed 12 September 2023 -
Have your say on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for West Northamptonshire
The West Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Board invites you to feedback on the proposed new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for West Northamptonshire for 2023 to 2028. This challenging new strategy sets out how, in West Northamptonshire, we will work together as a partnership and with residents to improve health outcomes for local people. The proposed West Northamptonshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been developed together with NHS... MoreClosed 29 August 2023 -
Draft Street Trading Policy 2023
West Northamptonshire Council is undertaking an 8-week consultation on the Draft Street Trading Policy 2023. The Council is responsible for regulating street trading in the West Northants area including: Providing Street Trading Consent to traders wishing to sell goods from designated streets (or consent streets) Preventing illegal trading across the area West Northants the Council is keen to engage with all stakeholders to develop the Street Trading Policy that will... MoreClosed 27 August 2023 -
Have your say on future waste services in West Northamptonshire
We are developing a Resources and Waste Strategy that will set out our long-term plan of action, and how we intend to achieve further improvements to align with and meet proposed Government waste policy changes. We are asking for your views about all the waste and street cleansing services that we operate. Your views will help us shape the overall West Northamptonshire Resources and Waste Strategy for residents using household waste collection services. Background ... MoreClosed 21 August 2023 -
Community Governance Review
The LGBCE (Local Government Boundary Commission for England) have been conducting a ward boundary review for West Northamptonshire Council. The Boundary Commission will publish their final report on 1 August. For more information about the ward boundary review for West Northamptonshire Council please visit the LGCBE website - West Northamptonshire | LGBCE These changes will impact on some parish councils whose boundaries, as a result of the review, will no longer align... MoreClosed 18 August 2023 -
Feedback on the school holiday food voucher scheme
As part of a Government support package to help families in the school holidays, West Northamptonshire Council gives supermarket vouchers to parents, guardians, and carers of children who get free school meals. These vouchers are sent out from the school. We want to understand how important this service is to people who receive this help. We also need to know how well this service works, and if we can make it better. This short survey should take around 5... MoreClosed 11 August 2023 -
Scaldwell Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation 2023
West Northamptonshire Council is reviewing conservation areas in the Daventry Area, as well as considering new designations. A draft appraisal and management plan has been prepared for the Scaldwell Conservation Area. We would like to hear the views of residents, the community and all other stakeholders on the draft appraisal and management plan. Before providing your comments, please read the draft appraisal and view a map of the proposed conservation area boundary by... MoreClosed 31 July 2023 -
Holdenby Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation 2023
West Northamptonshire Council is reviewing conservation areas in the Daventry Area, as well as considering new designations. A draft appraisal and management plan has been prepared for the Holdenby Conservation Area. We would like to hear the views of residents, the community and all other stakeholders on the draft appraisal and management plan. Before providing your comments, please read the draft appraisal and view a map of the proposed conservation area boundary by... MoreClosed 31 July 2023 -
Consultation on the future of Boniface House Care Home
We are reviewing the current and future usage of the residential care service at Boniface House in Brixworth, which is wholly owned by the Council. West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) wants to be able to ensure it is in a position to offer high quality care which continues to meet the changing needs of its residents both now and in the future. The care home has 46 rooms, however it is significantly under occupied as the design of the building means that the... MoreClosed 30 July 2023 -
Health Checks Survey for people aged 40-74
We are asking for feedback on the NHS Health Check, which is a programme offered to people aged 40 to 74 that happens every 5-years. The check can help spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, or dementia. Background Public Health for West Northamptonshire Council is seeking peoples views of the NHS Health Check Service as it is carrying out a service review. The information you provide will allow us to evaluate the service and allow us to... MoreClosed 20 July 2023 -
Consultation on Hunsbury Park Primary ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) Unit operating on Chiltern Primary School site, Northampton
We are looking for views on the proposal to establish a 30 place Autistic Spectrum Disabilities ( ASD) unit, operated by Hunsbury Park Primary, as an annex on site of Chiltern Primary School . West Northamptonshire has seen a significant increase in demand for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ( SEND) places in recent years and additional capacity is urgently required to ensure that there are sufficient places available in coming... MoreClosed 19 July 2023 -
Commissioning of Healthwatch Northamptonshire consultation 2023
North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire Councils would like to understand how you feel about local Healthwatch services in Northamptonshire. Background Healthwatch is an independent consumer champion for people who use health and social care services. Its job is to ensure that local voices are heard and that people’s views and experiences are used to improve existing services and to help shape future services. Where issues are identified they will ensure that... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Have your say on sexual health services
North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council Public Health teams are undertaking a Sexual Health Needs Assessment. We need you to help us improve sexual health in Northamptonshire and shape sexual health services. If you are 13, or older, please share your views by completing our survey to help us better understand your experiences, concerns and perceptions of sexual health and services in your local area. This survey asks questions about various aspects of... MoreClosed 11 June 2023 -
Home to School Transport Consultation 2023
We would like to know your views on changes we are proposing to our Home to School Transport service. These changes are required to meet increased demand and operating costs, whilst also exploring opportunities to give greater flexibility for parents, support our young people’s independence and help to promote sustainable travel. Your views are important to us as they will help us to inform proposals. We recognise circumstances for each child, young person and family are... MoreClosed 30 May 2023 -
Short Breaks for Children with Disabilities - Engagement 2023
Have your say on the new short breaks model which was co-produced with families and professionals. We want to hear the views of families, staff and other professionals on the future shape of the way short breaks are provided for children with disabilities. Short breaks are breaks for children and young people who have a disability giving them rich opportunities while also allowing carers to have a break from caring to carry out other vital activities they otherwise would not be able to... MoreClosed 29 May 2023 -
Arthingworth Neighbourhood Plan Submission Regulation 16 Consultation 2023
Arthingworth Parish Council and the Arthingworth Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee Group have submitted the final version of the Arthingworth Neighbourhood Plan: Arthingworth Neighbourhood Development Plan Submission Version 2022-2029. As the local planning authority, the Council is now required to undertake a consultation to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on whether the submitted plan meets the basic conditions before it goes to examination. This consultation is... MoreClosed 23 May 2023 -
Have your say on the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s electoral review of new ward boundaries for West Northamptonshire
West Northamptonshire Council is currently undergoing an electoral review that is run by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England. They are developing a new pattern of wards for West Northamptonshire Council and are now consulting on these proposals. The Commission is the independent body that draws these boundaries. New boundaries are being proposed for council wards in West Northamptonshire. The Commission is reviewing West Northamptonshire to make sure councillors... MoreClosed 15 May 2023 -
Abington Area Active Travel Scheme Consultation 2023
Consultation period for Abington Park area travel scheme extended to provide an opportunity for people to provide their views. We are consulting on the proposed active travel improvements around Abington Park, Northampton. In 2022, Local Authorities were invited to bid for further funds for permanent measures which promote active travel as part of Tranche 2. The Abington Area Active Travel Scheme, using the design guidance for walking and cycling schemes (Local Transport Note... MoreClosed 14 May 2023 -
0-19s CYP Health Needs Assessment - Parents and Carers
The West Northamptonshire and North Northamptonshire Public Health Team is assessing the health and wellbeing services which support Children and Young People (CYP) aged 0-19 and their families, to gain understanding of the current health and wellbeing needs, demands and any improvements in those services across Northamptonshire. This includes young people up to age 25 where there is a statutory responsibility (as defined under SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) ). ... MoreClosed 28 April 2023 -
Draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy 2023
West Northamptonshire Council is undertaking a consultation on the Draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy 2023. The Policy will supersede current policies for the areas of Daventry, Northampton, and South Northants and sets out the driver, vehicle, and operator standards for Hackney Carriages and private hire licensing for current licence holders and all new licence applicants. This consultation specifically focuses on increasing standards and therefore improving public safety.... MoreClosed 23 April 2023 -
Abington Street Public Realm Improvements, Northampton
We have secured £4.2m from the Government’s Towns Fund to transform Abington Street, Northampton. This project will positively transform one of the busiest commercial and pedestrian routes through the Towns main shopping street. It will provide improved pedestrian access, new seating, interpretation, planting, outdoor dining space and encourage greater community activity. It will compliment the Market Square transformation project and provide enhanced connectivity with the... MoreClosed 23 April 2023
156 results.
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