We asked, you said, we did

The following shows a summary of the feedback or outcomes for activities we have recently consulted or engaged on.

We asked

From 17 December 2024 to 22 January 2025, we carried out an online survey that sought views on a new West Northamptonshire Growth Strategy. 

The Strategy aims to drive inclusive, sustainable economic growth from 2025 to 2030, with a longer-term vision to 2043 and focuses on: increasing productivity levels, securing inward investment, realising business growth, raising skills levels, and achieving inclusive, sustainable economic growth.  

The online survey followed comprehensive engagement through workshops, one-to-one engagement with key stakeholders, focus groups, and briefings. 

You said

There were 17 responses to the online survey.  

The results from the online consultation were used to refine and enhance the West Northamptonshire Economic Growth Strategy. The feedback helped to: 

  • Shape the overarching vision and sectoral focus of the strategy. 
  • Refine the themes and priorities to ensure they align with stakeholder expectations. 
  • Identify specific actions that are deliverable and impactful. 
  • Incorporate diverse perspectives from a wide range of stakeholders, ensuring a consensus-driven approach. 

This process ensured that the final strategy reflects the broader views and needs of the community and stakeholders involved. 

We did

Read more about West Northamptonshire’s Economic Growth Strategy.  

On 4 March 2025, the Council Cabinet approved adopting the final Economic Growth Strategy which had been refined following the consultation and also approved establishing an Economic Growth Board to oversee its actions. This decision aims to support economic growth across West Northamptonshire, aligning with national policies, and benefiting residents and businesses. We aim to achieve: 

  • Higher levels of productivity, above national levels 
  • Increased employment in investment sectors 
  • Increased levels of specialisation in investment sectors 
  • Increased net business formation rates 
  • A higher skilled workforce aligned to business needs 
  • Improved life chances for children and young people 
  • A reduction in inequalities and deprivation   

Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday 4th March 2025, 6.00pm – West Northamptonshire Council 

We asked

Between 11 December 2024 and 21 January 2025, we undertook a consultation to ask for people’s views on the key budget proposals for 2025/2026. These proposals included increases in Council Tax, investment in social housing, and changes to fees and charges. We also encouraged feedback on any other parts of the Draft Budget as well as proposals within the Draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget 2024-2025 and Medium-Term Financial Plan.

You said

The West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2025-2026 consultation received a total of 394 responses, the majority were submitted via an online consultation. 

The following is a summary of responses to key proposals: 

1. Council Tax Increase of 2.99 percent to address additional costs and protect and invest in services.

  • Agree: 34 percent, 
  • Disagree: 57 percent, 
  • Neutral: 8 percent, 
  • Unsure: 1 percent. 

359 comments were received on this proposal, and the negative impacts and suggestions about how these could be avoided. 

2. Council Tax Increase of 2 percent to protect Adult Social Care by funding the rise in cost. 

  • Agree: 33 percent, 
  • Disagree: 46 percent, 
  • Neutral: 19 percent, 
  • Unsure: 2 percent. 

There were 127 comments and suggestions on this proposal. 

3. Increase in some fees and charges in line with inflation, operational costs, and help fund services. 

  • Agree: 44 percent, 
  • Disagree: 40 percent, 
  • Neutral: 16 percent. 

There were 121 comments received on this proposal. 

4. Draft General Fund Capital Programme 2025 to 2029 proposal received 52 comments.

5. There were 48 further comments on the Draft Budget Proposals. 

6. Draft Housing Revenue Account Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan increase of rent by 2.7 percent. 

  • Agree: 56 percent, 
  • Disagree: 29 percent, 
  • Neutral: 13 percent, 
  • Unsure: 3 percent. 

There were 104 comments were received on this proposal, and the negative impacts and suggestions on how these could be avoided. 

7. Planned investment for social housing of £77 million during 2025 to 2026. 

  • Agree: 50 percent, 
  • Disagree: 33 percent, 
  • Neutral: 16 percent, 
  • Unsure: 1 percent. 

There were 57 comments received on the proposal. 

8. There were 15 further comments on the Capital Programme and 8 further comments on the Draft Housing Revenue Account and its appendices. 

For more information about the responses to the West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2025 to 2026 Consultation, please see the below consultation analysis report. 

We did

The Council considered all feedback from the consultation and agreed on the final proposals for the 2025-2026 Budget for West Northamptonshire.

On 11 February the Council’s Cabinet approved and recommended the 2025-2026 Budget for West Northamptonshire to its Full Council meeting on 20 February 2025. At Full Council the 2025–2026 Budget was approved. 

Budget 2024/25 Consultation Analysis Report: Appendix I WNC Budget Report Draft 2025-26.pdf (moderngov.co.uk) 

Full details are available on the following Cabinet and Full Council meeting papers: 

Cabinet, Tuesday 11 February 2025 decision details (available at moderngov.co.uk): 

Full Council - Thursday 20 February 2025 Agenda (available at moderngov.co.uk): 

We asked

From 24 November 2024 to 19 January 2025, we invited residents and businesses to share their views on our draft Climate Change Strategy. The strategy is part of our commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2045 for West Northamptonshire, five years ahead of the UK Government’s 2050 net zero target.

The feedback received helped us to strengthen sections of the Strategy before the final draft was considered for adoption by cabinet.

The version of the strategy consulted on was informed and shaped by a pre-engagement exercise which ran through August and September 2024. The draft strategy developed following the pre-engagement exercise was approved for consultation, 11 November 2024 Cabinet.

You said

There were 92 complete responses to the final consultation, the following shows the key results: 

Do you agree or disagree that the vision is clear?

  • Agree: 40%
  • Disagree: 30%
  • Neither agree nor disagree: 30%

Do you agree or disagree that the vision is achievable?

  • Agree: 20%
  • Disagree: 60%
  • Neither agree nor disagree: 20%

Do you agree or disagree with the aims of the people section?

  • Agree: 50%
  • Disagree: 10%
  • Neither agree nor disagree: 40%

Do you agree or disagree with the aims of the buildings section?

  • Agree: 40%
  • Disagree: 30%
  • Neither agree nor disagree: 30%

Do you agree or disagree with the aims of the transport section?

  •  Agree: 30%
  • Disagree: 40%
  • Neither agree nor disagree: 30%

We did

All responses to the consultation have been considered and helped shape the final version of the Strategy which was presented at 4 March 2025 Cabinet.

Key changes that were considered following the consultation:

  • In response to the majority disagreement with the deliverability of the vision, we strengthened the vision section of the strategy. This was achieved by committing to having the first Climate Change Action Plan ready for publication in the autumn of 2025. The Action Plan will be reviewed annually, and we committed to reviewing the strategy every 5 years.
  • Alongside comments received through the online consultation the building section was reviewed by WNC planning team officers. Their comments helped ensure the section included reference to best practice in the reuse of existing buildings.

The final version of the strategy received unanimous support from Cabinet and was approved and adopted by the Council

Council’s Cabinet: Agenda, decisions and minutes, Cabinet Tuesday 4 March 2024 (item 8).

We asked

From 9 December 2024 to 6 January 2025, we carried out our annual statutory consultation on Term Dates for West Northamptonshire schools for the 2026-27 academic year.

The consultation aimed to gather feedback on the proposed term dates for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in the area. The consultation sought to ensure that the term dates were suitable for students, parents, and staff, considering holidays, bank holidays, and the timing of Easter. Suggestions included considering the impact of the proposed dates on family plans, school events, and overall educational outcomes, and ensuring that the dates aligned well with other local schools to limit disruptions. 

You said

Four responses were received. 

Three responses declared they were happy with the proposed dates and the fourth stated they were happy with the proposed dates but would also support an option for the half term in February to move a week earlier in order for the Easter holiday to straddle the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

We did

All responses were considered before term dates were published on 13 February 2025. The dates published were as per those proposed in the consultation.

For a full list of the determined term dates, please see our dedicated schools Term Dates website page. 

We asked

From 11 November 2024 to 31 December 2024, we carried out our annual statutory consultation on school admission arrangements.

The consultation aimed to inform the public about any proposed changes to school admission arrangements for September 2026 intakes, ensuring proper consultation on these changes. It included priority for children of staff working at community and voluntary controlled schools, reduction in Published Admission Number (PAN) for specific schools, and an overview of changes for own admission authority schools coordinated by West Northamptonshire Council. The consultation also provided ways for the public to comment on the proposed arrangements and outlines the process for objecting to determined admission arrangements.

You said

One response was received which was in relation to criterion around children of staff. The Council has also determined that the proposed reduction in PAN at Boothville is currently not feasible due to recent forecasts suggesting an increase in demand in the area.

We did

On the 11 February 2025 the Councils Cabinet approved all recommendations as detailed within the report that followed and considered the consultation results.

Details can be viewed on item 276 of the Cabinet: Agenda, decisions and minutes Tuesday 11 February 2025.

You can also find out more about West Northamptonshire schools admissions and appeals on our website.

We asked

We conducted a study and asked residents and others with a local connection (through past residence, close family, or employment) to the Parish of West Haddon to complete a survey about housing needs and requirements. This work helps to understand the kind of housing needed in the area. The information provided is vital in producing a balanced picture of housing circumstances as well as informing future housing and planning policies. This work was undertaken with the support and assistance of the Parish Council.

You said

A Housing Needs Survey was carried out in the Parish of West Haddon between Monday 28 October 2024 and Sunday 8 December 2024. There were 58 individual responses received. 36% of all respondents confirmed that they have or may have (in the next five years) a housing need, the need being mainly for market and affordable homes. 62% of all respondents would or may support new homes in the Parish for local people.

We did

Following the collection and analysis of the West Haddon Parish Housing Needs Survey results, a report has been developed and shared with the Parish Council, before being published. Housing Needs Survey reports are available to view on our Website.

We asked

From 23 October 2024 to 27 November 2024, we invited West Northamptonshire Council tenants, key stakeholders, and other interested parties to provide their feedback on a draft Tenancy Policy. This consultation aimed to gather valuable insights to help shape the final version of the policy.

  • The Tenancy Policy will apply to all current and future tenancies offered by West Northamptonshire Council. It is designed to guide the Council's actions as a landlord, ensuring that all tenancies are managed consistently and fairly. The policy outlines the types of tenancies offered, the approach to managing tenancies, including the processes for fixed term tenancies, succession, and tenancy sustainment.

By involving stakeholders in the development of this policy, we aim to create a comprehensive and effective framework that meets the needs of our tenants and supports the Council's commitment to providing high-quality housing services.

You said

There were 6 submitted responses. The following provides the results to the key questions: 

  • Respondents were asked if they agree or disagree that all new Council tenants (unless transferring from another housing association or Council) will need to hold an introductory tenancy well, before then being offered a secure or flexible tenancy: 83% of respondents agreed.
  • Respondents were asked if they agree or disagree with the different kinds of tenancies and how they are used by the Council: 83% of respondents agreed.
  • Respondents were asked if they agree or disagree with the circumstances where a further tenancy will be granted after the existing tenancy has ended: 100% of respondents agreed.

We did

All responses were carefully considered, and a report prepared to help shape the final version of the Policy. This final version was presented to and approved by the Council's Cabinet on 4 March 2025.

We asked

We conducted a study and asked residents and others with a local connection (through past residence, close family, or employment) to the Parish of Crick to complete a survey about housing needs and requirements. This work helps to understand the kind of housing needed in the area. The information provided is vital in producing a balanced picture of housing circumstances as well as informing future housing and planning policies. This work was undertaken with the support and assistance of the Parish Council.

You said

A Housing Needs Survey was carried out in the Parish of Crick between 7 October 2024 and 17 November 2024. There were 80 individual responses received. 36% of all respondents confirmed that they have or may have (in the next five years) a housing need, the need being mainly for market and affordable homes. 67% of all respondents would or may support new homes in the Parish for local people.

We did

Following the collection and analysis of the Crick Housing Needs Survey results, a report has been developed and shared with the Parish Council, before being published. Housing Needs Survey reports are available to view on our Website.

We asked

Between 19 October 2024 and 3 November 2024, we carried out a survey on the Northampton Market Square reopening event, held on the weekend of 19 and 20 October 2024. The event was to celebrate the official reopening of the market square by providing a vibrant community gathering. The event featured market stalls, family entertainment, live music, and a variety of food and drink offerings. It successfully attracted numerous visitors, supported local traders and businesses, and boosted the wider local economy.

You said

91 complete responses were received. Here are the answers to some of the key questions:

  • Of those who attended the event 64% were Northampton residents and 15% were visitors.
  • Many of the respondents (21) said they were interested in attending events in the local area. Others (16) liked the sound of the entertainment that was announced at being at the event.
  • Those who did not attend or did not wish to, said that they had other plans and they thought the event was a waste of money. Some people also responded that they were not aware of the event despite there being a strong effort from marketing and comms and the wider team.
  • 42 respondents saw the social media promotions, and this prompted them to attend.
  • Many people said they heard of the event through an event partner.

We did

To ensure the success of future events, regular event planning meetings will take place in the future. These meetings aim to consistently bring events to residents and attract visitors from outside the area, thereby boosting the local economy.

From the results there is a clear demand for more events, including in Northampton market square, which has been identified as a prime location for community gatherings.

To address concerns about event funding and promotion, we will ensure that details about event sponsorships and financial backing are communicated from an earlier stage. This transparency will help handle worries about the misuse of funds and provide a clearer understanding of the event's economic impact.

By incorporating feedback from past events and leveraging insights from community members, we strive to create a vibrant and inclusive event calendar that meets the diverse interests of our community. The feedback from this survey will help us to plan and promote events that resonate well with the local audience, such as live music, community groups, and food stalls.

We asked

From 25 July to 17 October 2024 we consulted on our draft Local Transport Plan (LTP), which sets out our long-term strategy for maintaining and improving all aspects of local transport up to 2045.

The consultation invited comments on the draft vision and objectives, 16 policy areas and list of schemes contained in the draft LTP. The consultation also invited comments on the accompanying Integrated Impact Assessment and Carbon Assessment.

You said

We received 476 responses to the consultation, the majority (370 responses) were from residents of West Northamptonshire the rest were from developers, local transport providers, parish and town councils and other organisations and interest groups.

  • 74% of respondents said that they agreed or strongly agreed with the vision, and 85% of respondents supported the six objectives.
  • 80% of respondents agreed with policies 1 to 5 under the Connecting People Better Theme,
  • 80% of respondents agreed with policies 6 to 11 under the Shaping Healthier Places theme.
  • Over 80% of respondents agreed with policies 12 to 16 under the Mobility Enabling Prosperity theme.

We encouraged people to provide further feedback on the policy wording and key interventions as well as provide any other feedback on areas they felt needed strengthening or altering in the document.

We did

All responses have been considered and some have led to amendments in the Local Transport Plan relating to polices, interventions and the Integrated Impact Assessment.

Minor adjustments have been made to create a more concise, clear and engaging document.

A table of the changes that have been made was made available in a consultation report published alongside the LTP for the Council's Cabinet to consider.

In it's meeting held 4 March 2025 Cabinet recommended the new Local Transport Plan to Full Council for approval and adoption. The Full Council Meeting will take place 13 March 2025.

We asked

Between 2 September 2024 and 13 October 2024, we carried out a consultation on a West Northamptonshire Trees and Woods Strategy.

The strategy supports the Council's Corporate Plan goals, aiming to maximise the benefits of trees for people, biodiversity, and achieving net zero, while also contributing to nature recovery, flood risk management, and the character of urban streets and new developments. It includes detail on the current tree canopy cover and a vision for expanding it up to 2045, under five key themes: protecting existing trees, managing trees in public ownership, planting new trees, and engaging with local communities. The strategy is supported by an action plan, with updates every five years.

This consultation followed previous engagement that took place online and in person, which ensured that local issues and priorities were considered when drafting this final draft of the Strategy.

You said

There was a total of 112 responses to the online consultation, with the overwhelming majority supporting the Strategy’s Vision, Priorities and Themes.

A report has been produced to support the adoption which details a summary of responses to key elements of the consultation: Appendix J, Public Consultation on the draft trees and woods strategy.

We did

Following the consultation the Strategy was revised and amended based on the feedback. Amendments were minor and mainly included reviewing and improving some wording for clarity and understanding and updating some information.

On the 10 December 2024 the Councils Cabinet approved and adopted the Trees and Woods Strategy along with its appendices. Details can be viewed on item 262 of the Council Cabinet’s: Agenda, decisions and minutes Tuesday 10 December 2024

We asked

From 29 July to 15 September 2024, we asked people to feedback on our draft West Northamptonshire Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Strategy for 2024-2030.

The strategy outlines key areas of work to support the rollout of EV charging infrastructure, aiming to achieve net zero emissions by 2030 for council activities and by 2045 for the wider area. It includes objectives such as ensuring appropriate, reliable, affordable, and accessible charging networks, supporting transport decarbonisation policies, fostering economic growth, and optimizing land and assets. To aim of the activity was to gain public and other stakeholder input that would further help develop the final strategy to align with community needs and aspirations.

You said

There was a total of 227 responses which included those completed online and 6 email responses. The consultation received responses primarily from residents of West Northamptonshire (81%), along with business owners, Council employees, and representatives from parish and town councils. Through the consultation, a significant need for increased availability of charge points was highlighted, especially in residential areas and locations without off-street parking. Financial concerns regarding the cost of electric vehicle ownership and public charging were also raised. Respondents also noted the importance of ensuring accessible charging points for all, also suggested integrating EV infrastructure with other renewable energy sources. Key responses included:

Charging Infrastructure: Strong support for varied charger speeds and on-street chargers in residential areas.

Barriers to EV Adoption: High costs of public charging and electric vehicles, along with the need for convenient local charge points.

Agreement with Objectives: 92% agreement with the strategy's objectives.

Current EV Ownership: 61% of respondents drive an electric car or van.

Charging Habits: 53% charge at home 1 to 7 times a week; 33% charge less frequently away from home.

Future EV Use: Highest among 30 to 64 year olds; lowest among over 75s and 18 to 24s.

We did

The information gathered from the consultation was used to review and refine the Strategy before it was presented to Council’s Cabinet in November 2024.

Cabinet approved the adoption of the Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Strategy 2024-2030 and authorised procurement to deliver the infrastructure inline with the Strategy.

The draft Strategy, a full results report and details of the Cabinet decision is available under item 246 of the Council Cabinet’s: Agenda, decisions and minutes Tuesday 19 November 2024.

We asked

From 13 August to the 10 September 2024, we sought views on a proposal to lower the age range at Hunsbury Park Primary School from 4 to 11 years to 2 to 11 year olds, allowing the school to take over the running of Campers Early Years and Out of School Club.

This change looked to bridge the gap in early years provision in the local area, ensuring continuity of service for families, and support younger children's school readiness and their smooth transition to reception.

You said

There was a total of 50 responses to the consultation, with 96% agreeing to the proposal.

We did

All responses were considered by the Council’s Cabinet, who then approved the lowering of the admissions age proposal during their meeting in September 2024.

We asked

From 15 July to 08 September 2024, we consulted on our new Parks Development Strategy, aimed at protecting, developing, and improving parks to benefit residents, visitors, and the environment.

The consultation invited feedback on our draft Vision and Objectives, and sought insights on current park usage and potential improvements from a visitor's perspective.

You said

We received 288 survey responses, with 82% of respondents using a park regularly.

91% of respondents agreed with our draft vision, and a majority of respondents agreed with our draft objectives (82%).

We encouraged suggestions and ideas on actions to deliver the strategy, 97 commnets were received and will be used to shape the final strategy.

Read more about the results of this activity.

We did

Responses have been considered and some have lead to amendments in the draft strategy. For instance: Eastfield Park is now recognised as a major park, and the strategy clarifies the Parks Service responsibilities, including a list of all council-owned spaces.

Feedback is being used to explore why some parks are used less than others, aiming to make them accessible to everyone.

Concerns about the Eastern Way proposals in Daventry have been compiled for colleagues managing this project. Comments specific to parks or green spaces will be reviewed and addressed by relevant officers.

Minor adjustments have been made to create a more concise and clear document.

The strategy now reflects the recognition of parks as vital community links that deliver health and wellbeing benefits and support wildlife. While not all comments could be accommodated, efforts have been made to include improvements where possible.

The final strategy will be adopted by the Council Cabinet in early 2025.

We asked

From 8 July to 18 August 2024 we carried out a consultation on a new Tenancy Strategy.

The strategy provides the approach that all registered providers of social housing, also known as housing associations, need to follow for their own tenancy policies.

The aim of this activity was to give everyone a chance to provide their views on the objectives of the Tenancy Strategy and preference for tenure types, for example introductory tenancies and secure tenancies.

You said

In total 90 responses were received.

Overall the majority of respondents agreed with the new Tenancy Strategy particularly with the 2 key questions in the survey:

  • 92% of respondents agreed with the key objectives of the Tenancy Strategy. 2% neither agreed or disagreed. Of those that disagreed (6%), comments concerned matters not related to tenure.
  • 67% of respondents agreed with the Council’s preference for the Council and Registered Providers to offer new social housing tenants a 12 month introductory or starter tenancy that converts to a lifetime tenancy once the introductory period is over and that Fixed term tenancies should only be used in exceptional circumstances (14% neither agreed or disagreed). Of those that disagreed, comments included suggestions on shorter term tenancies (6), tenancy management tools (2), further clarity for new and existing tenants.  Others (3) did not answer the question or could not be considered as did not refer to this consultation. 

We did

The findings from the consultation show a strong support for the proposed new Tenancy Strategy. We considered all the responses to identify what changes were needed and amended the strategy accordingly.

The Tenancy Strategy was amended to provide further clarity in relation to the introductory period for new tenants and existing tenants who already hold a secure or assured tenancy.

The final strategy was adopted by Cabinet Tuesday 8th October 2024, see Agenda item 6 Tenancy Strategy, Cabinet decision.

We asked

From 10 June 2024 to 7 July 2024, we launched an activity to engage with residents of West Northamptonshire that receive, or have a family member that receives, help through health or social care funded supported living. This was to form part of our new framework for supported living and help the Council make decisions to improve certain aspects to meet the needs of those needing this sort of help.

You said

The activity received 34 complete responses and 25 partially complete responses. The following is a summary of the key results:

You told us that the current ‘I statements’ that have been co- produced over the years are still very important to you. Themes that you believed to be important for consideration in future commissioning of supported living services were:

  • Good communication and active listening skills​
  • Being treated with respect and dignity​
  • Friendly, approachable, shows empathy​
  • Caring, compassionate and kind​
  • Maintains a safe environment​
  • Skilled and competent

We did

All responses have been considered, we have reviewed and updated the co-produced ‘I statements’ and used these alongside key themes to set out our expectations for future supported living services. These will help us monitor services against these expectations and improve outcomes for the people living in them. The new arrangements will be implemented in Spring 2025.

We asked

From 29 April 2024 to 23 June 2024, we consulted on the Great Oxendon Neighbourhood Development Plan 2023 - 2029 Submission Version, February 2024, which was submitted to us by Great Oxendon Parish Council.

You said

Comments on the Great Oxendon Neighbourhood Development Plan were received from 12 interested parties, including both local members of the public and organisations.

We did

Once the consultation ended the responses were sent to the independent Examiner who considered them in an examination of the plan. 

The Examiner's report on the neighbourhood plan was received on 3 September 2024 and published on the Councils website. It recommended to West Northamptonshire Council that the Great Oxendon Neighbourhood Development Plan for the plan period up to 2029 should, subject to the modifications put forward, be submitted to referendum.

Progress will continue to be reported on the Councils website.

We asked

In April 2024, we asked residents, local partners and other stakeholders to have their say in shaping how the Council manages flood risk, to inform the development of a new Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for West Northamptonshire. The consultation invited people to agree, disagree or make comments on the draft strategic objectives for the Strategy. People were also asked to provide views on how the Council should improve flood risk management, as well as identify local areas that are directly affected by flooding.

You said

We received 169 responses to the online consultation.

  • 86% of resident responders said flooding was an issue in their town or village, or on their street.
  • The most common types of flooding experienced were river and surface water flooding.
  • The top three flood risk management activities respondents felt the Council should focus on were:
    • Working with developers to ensure new development does not increase local flood risk (75% of votes).
    • Understanding the current and future local flood risks by carrying out technical assessments and thoroughly investigating flooding incidents (40% of votes).
    • Increasing the level of highway gully maintenance to reduce road flooding (37% of votes).
  • 83% of respondents believed that they do not receive enough information about who is responsible for managing flood risks within West Northamptonshire.
  • Overall, the majority of responders agreed with the draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy objectives.
  • The objective which most responders (88%) agreed with was Objective I ‘Work with others to ensure new development will not increase flood risk and where possible reduces local flood risk’.
  • Objective F ‘Contribute to local sustainability, community wellbeing and carbon reduction initiatives through flood risk management activities’ had the lowest percentage of responses which ‘agreed’ with the objective (54%).
  • Objective G ‘Support and empower communities to adapt to their flood risk and become flood resilient’ had the highest percentage of ‘disagree’ responses (11%), although the majority (61%) of responders still agreed.

We did

The feedback from this first round of engagement will be used to review the draft objectives and to shape the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, including understanding where best to prioritise resources. During the next phase of the Strategy development, we will identify specific actions for the council to deliver to meet the Strategy’s objectives.
A second public consultation will take place to seek views on the full Local Flood Risk Management Strategy once drafted.
The current Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and updates on the development of the new Strategy can be found on our Local Flood Risk Management webpage.

We asked

From 16 June 2024 and 13 May 2024, we launched a survey to understand how people feel about the local Healthwatch services in West Northamptonshire. We needed to do this research as our Healthwatch service currently operates across North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire. This model has been in place since 2013 and its current contract ends 31 March 2025.

The information from this activity will help to understand people's views and experiences at a local level and allow us to ensure we can develop the best model for Healthwatch in West Northamptonshire for the future by shaping future design and focus of health and social care services.

The previous consultation in 2023 we had only 18 responses from people living within West Northamptonshire, this consultation we had 36 responses from people in the local area. The 3 organisations responses did not record their demographic data.

You said

There were 39 completed responses and 53 partially complete responses to the online consultation.

There were individual 36 responses from individuals and 3 on behalf of an organisation or community group.

The results from the consultation showed the following:

  • 41% of people have not heard of Healthwatch
  • 77% of people have never contacted Healthwatch
  • When asked whether Healthwatch in West Northamptonshire could improve awareness of its services to local people, 83% of people said yes
  • Peoples views were asked how Healthwatch can raise their awareness and lots of ideas were given.

We did

All responses have been considered and will help to shape the future direction of the Healthwatch services aligning the work of Healthwatch in partnership with West Northamptonshire Council for the term of the new contract which should be in place before April 2025.

As a Healthwatch Organisation acts as an independent consumer champion for people who use health and social care services, they ensure local voices are heard and that people’s views and experiences are used to improve existing services and to help shape future services.

We asked

During May 2024, we carried out a 4 week consultation aimed at carers or people supporting carers in West Northamptonshire to gather feedback on the draft Carer Strategy 2024-29 for West Northamptonshire. 

The strategy was developed to improve support and resources for unpaid carers, incorporating their views and experiences. The activity involved in-person and online engagement sessions, as well as an online survey, to ensure the strategy reflected the needs and priorities of local carers. Any feedback collected is used to refine and finalise the strategy, ensuring it effectively addressed the challenges faced by carers in the community. 

You said

There 126 submitted responses to the online consultation. 

The majority of respondents agreed with the strategic priorities, and the proposed outcome framework approach. Comments and suggestions were also sought. 

Further information and the responses can be found in the: 

Both of the above are available through the Cabinet meeting detail below. 

We did

Following the consultation the Councils Cabinet were provided with the feedback and then approved the publication of the Carer Strategy.