167 results
Overview and Scrutiny Consultation: Management of Trees
West Northamptonshire Council has an activity called Scrutiny where Councillors look at issues affecting the people of West Northamptonshire or how the Council works and makes recommendations. The Scrutiny Committee has set up a task panel to look at the way the Council manages trees – both trees it owns and those where it has a regulatory role through the planning system – and how trees can best help improve West Northamptonshire in the future. We would like... MoreClosed 24 April 2022 -
Project Gigabit: Public Review Launch in Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes (Lot 12)
The Government is on a mission to deliver lightning-fast, reliable broadband to everyone in the UK and is investing £5 billion in Project Gigabit to ensure that hard-to-reach communities are not left out. Building Digital UK (BDUK) is carrying out a Public Review to help identify areas in Lot 12 that may be suitable for future public funding for gigabit-capable broadband. BDUK is seeking information and supporting evidence from suppliers - in relation to the presence of gigabit capable... MoreClosed 29 April 2022 -
Have your say on how the new Market Square should be used
We are inviting people to give their views on what events and other features Northampton Market Square should host following its redevelopment. A key part of the project is to help create a large public space which can be used for a variety of purposes, and we would like to hear awhat people want to see there. It could be anything from musical or theatrical events to big screens for major sports fixtures, plus individual ideas. We would also like to hear what features,... MoreClosed 30 April 2022 -
Canons Ashby Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation
West Northamptonshire Council is reviewing conservation areas in the Daventry area, as well as considering new designations. A draft appraisal and management plan has been prepared for the Canons Ashby Conservation Area. We would like to hear the views of residents, the community and all other stakeholders on the draft appraisal and management plan. Before providing your comments, please read the draft appraisal and view a map of the proposed conservation area boundary by visiting:... MoreClosed 16 May 2022 -
Helping us to shape our new Housing Strategy
West Northamptonshire Council is developing a new housing strategy which will be a high-level document that will explain our vision, plans and priorities for the next two years. Housing is not just having a roof over your head; everyone deserves a home that is affordable, safe, secure and comfortable. Our housing directly impacts our health and it affects our access to education, employment and health services. It should provide a sense of security and a stable environment for... MoreClosed 24 May 2022 -
Consultation on BT Payphone in Whilton
BT Proposals to remove Telephony Equipment from K6 telephone kiosk BT is proposing to remove the telephony equipment from the K6 telephone box in Main Street Whilton. The box is a listed building (Grade II), and the parish council has expressed a desire to adopt the box which would ensure its long-term maintenance. Several boxes across West Northamptonshire have already been adopted by parish councils and put to a variety of uses. Please see further information at First... MoreClosed 7 June 2022 -
Initial consultation: new free special school 2022
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has identified the need to provide additional specialist school places for children and young people, preferably to the south-west of Northampton, within reasonable travelling distance of Towcester, Daventry and Brackley. The need is for places for pupils with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) and with severe learning difficulties (SLD). To address these needs, the council is proposing that a new special free school should open providing up to 250... MoreClosed 10 June 2022 -
Consultation: ASC unit at Hunsbury Park Primary School
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) has identified the need to provide additional specialist school places for children in receipt of an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), in all areas of West Northamptonshire. There has been a significant increase in the demand for Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) places in recent academic years. One of the biggest drivers of this growth is for places for pupils with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC). To (partially) address the need... MoreClosed 23 June 2022 -
West Northamptonshire cost of home care - survey for homecare providers
Local providers of home care services across West Northants are being encouraged to contribute to a survey on the fair cost of care. The Department of Health and Social Care White Paper, “People at the Heart of Care”, seeks to significantly drive change on how future social care is arranged and funded and as part of these changes require local authorities to consult with their provider markets on what is a Fair Cost of Care. Working with Care Analytics, West Northants Council... MoreClosed 27 July 2022 -
Newnham Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation 2022
West Northamptonshire Council is reviewing conservation areas in the Daventry area, as well as considering new designations. A draft appraisal and management plan has been prepared for the Newnham Conservation Area. We would like to hear the views of residents, the community and all other stakeholders on the draft appraisal and management plan. Before providing your comments, please read the draft appraisal and view a map of the proposed conservation area boundary by... MoreClosed 9 August 2022 -
Northampton Local Plan Part 2 Modifications Consultation
Having been through several stages of public consultation previously, the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 is being examined by Government-appointed inspectors who have stated that, subject to certain main modifications to the Plan being made, they would be able to find the Plan sound. They have asked us to put our proposed main modifications out to public consultation and they will take representations into account in writing their report about the Plan. The Northampton Local Plan Part 2... MoreClosed 18 August 2022 -
South Northamptonshire Part 2 Local Plan - Employment Allocations Supplementary Planning Document - Consultation
We are seeking people’s views on a new draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for employment land allocations, which would sit alongside the South Northamptonshire Part 2 Local Plan 2011-2029. The South Northamptonshire Part 2 Local Plan 2011-2029 was adopted in July 2020 to help inform decision-making on planning applications. You can view all relating documents to this by visiting South Northamptonshire Local Plan 2 Adoption Documents. The draft SPD for land... MoreClosed 18 August 2022 -
Have your say on the Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Licensing Policy 2022-2025
We are gathering views about our draft Gambling Act 2005-Statement of Licensing Policy 2022-2025. Under the Gambling Act 2005, the Council regulates the provision of premises for gambling (including betting shops, bingo halls and amusement arcades), the provision of gaming machines in clubs and alcohol licensed premises and small society lottery registration. At least every three years, the Council must review and adopt a Statement of Licensing Principles that... MoreClosed 21 August 2022 -
Parklands Maintained Nursery School notice of consultation 2022
West Northamptonshire Council along with the Governing Body of Parklands Maintained Nursery School are proposing to lower the nursery age range from 3 to 5 years to 2 to 5 years from 31st October 2022. As part of the statutory decision-making process for school organisational changes of this nature the Council is consulting on its proposal and seeking your views. Why are we proposing the change? The number of childcare places for 2-year-old children in the locality will reduce... MoreClosed 16 September 2022 -
Hackney Carriage fares increase proposal 2022
Under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 65, West Northamptonshire Council is providing a 14-day notice period, inviting responses on a proposal to increase taxi fares across West Northamptonshire. Why are we proposing the change? Cabinet members have considered the alignment of fares for taxi drivers across West Northamptonshire. A proposed new table of increased fares has been prepared, discussed and supported at the Cabinet Meeting of the Council... MoreClosed 17 October 2022 -
Harlestone Neighbourhood Plan Submission Regulation 16 Consultation 2022
Harlestone Parish Council and the Harlestone Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have submitted the final version of the Harlestone Neighbourhood Plan: Harlestone Neighbourhood Development Plan 30 August 2022 Submission. As the local planning authority, the Council is now required to undertake a consultation to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on whether the submitted plan meets the basic conditions before it goes to examination. This consultation is known as Regulation 16... MoreClosed 2 November 2022 -
Have your say on the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s electoral review of new ward boundaries for West Northamptonshire
West Northamptonshire Council is currently undergoing an electoral review that is run by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England. They are developing a new pattern of wards for West Northamptonshire Council. The Commission is the independent body that draws these boundaries. It is reviewing West Northamptonshire to make sure councillors represent about the same number of electors, and that ward arrangements help the council work effectively. It wants to be sure that its... MoreClosed 7 November 2022 -
Emergencies: How prepared are you?
As part of the national #30Days30WaysUK campaign, September is Preparedness Month and we run an annual survey to find out how prepared people are for emergencies that may happen. Since 2015, the 30Days30WaysUK campaign aims to inspire and empower people to be more ‘emergency ready’. This short survey has its roots in the 2008 ‘place survey’ across all local authorities in England and the 2013 ‘How Prepared Are You’ survey in Northamptonshire. It also takes inspiration... MoreClosed 30 November 2022 -
Parent-Infant Relationship services - Parents/Families' Survey
Public Health Northamptonshire would like your help in sharing your views as parents/carers/family/friends to develop a new service across North and West Council areas. The "parent-infant relationship" (also known as attachment and bonding) is at the heart of healthy development for babies; we know that supporting these relationships, especially those between parents and children, will also support the emotional wellbeing of babies and is therefore an important way to invest in the... MoreClosed 30 November 2022 -
Boundary Commission for England - 2023 Parliamentary Boundary Review
West Northamptonshire Council has been asked by the Boundary Commission for England to promote their 2023 Parliamentary Boundary Review consultation - please see details below: Constituency boundaries are changing, and it’s your final chance to help shape the new map. The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is required by Parliament to undertake an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England, to rebalance the number of electors in each constituency. ... MoreClosed 5 December 2022 -
Have your say on proposed arrangement one-off fee for self-funders who fund their own adult social care
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) wants to hear residents’ views on the introduction of a proposed one-off fee for those who entirely self-fund their own adult social care, either in their own home or in a residential setting. The proposed fee is to support the Council's administration costs when arranging care on behalf of someone who self-funds when the Council acts as a conduit between the self-funder and the care providers. The Councils seeking your views on the proposed... MoreClosed 6 December 2022 -
Accessing leisure centres for people with disabilities
West Northamptonshire Council's Disabled People's Forum are working with Leisure Centres across West Northants as well as Northamptonshire Sport to find out more about what people with disabilities want when it comes to accessing leisure centres in order to be active. We are interested in what sports or sports facilities those with disabilities use or would like to use and what barriers they are faced with in accessing these. The information will be used to provide detail about the... MoreClosed 16 December 2022 -
Northampton Local Plan Part 2 Proposed Further Main Modifications Consultation November 2022
Having been through several stages of public consultation previously, the Northampton Local Plan Part 2 is being examined by Government-appointed Inspectors who have stated that, subject to further main modifications to the Plan being made, they would be able to find the Plan sound. They have asked us to put the proposed further main modifications out to public consultation and they will take representations into account in writing their report about the Plan. West... MoreClosed 19 December 2022 -
Public Spaces Protection Order consultation: Francis Jetty
West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is considering whether to make a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to close off a pedestrian route between two town centre roads, in order to help control anti-social behaviour . A PSPO allows councils to impose restrictions on the use of specific areas. A PSPO can deal with persistent and unreasonable nuisances and anti-social behaviour that has a detrimental effect on... MoreClosed 19 December 2022 -
Have your say on new powers for the Council to enforce against moving traffic offences in West Northamptonshire
By Regulations that came into effect in May 2022 through the Traffic Management Act (2004) and associated guidance, West Northamptonshire Council is undertaking a six-week consultation to enable the Council to expand the work it already does against illegal and dangerous parking and misuse of bus lanes, by allowing for the Council to use enforcement powers on drivers who commit moving traffic offences. The Department for Transport (DfT) have changed legislation to enable local... MoreClosed 21 December 2022 -
Consultation on school admission arrangements for September 2024
All admission authorities are required to formally consult if they want to make any changes to their schools’ admission arrangements for the following school year. They also have to consult on their schools’ admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period. West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) co-ordinates an annual school admissions consultation on behalf of all schools in the council area, regardless of who the admission... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Visitor Use of the Upper Nene Valley
This is a survey undertaken in partnership with North Northamptonshire Council, Bedford Borough Council and the Beds, Cambs and Northants Wildlife Trust. We are currently undertaking a project to understand how people use the Nene Valley for recreation, so we can understand the impact on the important wildlife habitats in the area. The Upper Nene Valley refers to the specific washlands and lakes either side of the River Nene between Northampton and Thrapston in Northamptonshire. As... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Term Dates for West Northamptonshire schools for the 2024-25 academic year
West Northamptonshire Council is now consulting on proposed term dates for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for the 2024-25 academic year. The consultation will run from Monday 28 November 2022 – Saturday 31 December 2022. Please note that Academies, Free, Foundation and Voluntary Aided schools can set their term dates, although they may choose to adopt those used by the local authority. The proposed term dates are as follows: Autumn term 2024 Monday 2... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
Brockhall Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation 2022
West Northamptonshire Council is reviewing conservation areas in the Daventry area, as well as considering new designations. A draft appraisal and management plan has been prepared for the Brockhall Conservation Area. We would like to hear the views of residents, the community and all other stakeholders on the draft appraisal and management plan. Before providing your comments, please read the draft appraisal and view a map of the proposed conservation area boundary by... MoreClosed 16 January 2023 -
West Northamptonshire Council Draft Budget 2023/24 Consultation
Every year the Council plans for the money it will have available and how it should spend it in line with the priority objectives set out in its Corporate Plan. At a meeting held on 20 December, West Northamptonshire Council’s Cabinet approved for consultation its draft budget for 2023-24 and we are now seeking views on these proposals. The Council successfully delivered a balanced budget for its first year of operation within 2021/22 and set a balanced budget for the current... MoreClosed 31 January 2023
167 results.
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